Want to work less, scale faster, and put “me time” back on your calendar?
Your business blew up, but now….
✔ You’ve got more clients & referrals than you can take on
✔ Your inbox is blowing up (so are your DMs)
✔ Your marketing & content are getting pushed more & more last minute as you try to keep up (‘cause you operate in “clients first” responsible-ness)
✔ Your kids need more of your time than you’ve currently got
✔ You can’t remember the last time you took a 2-hour break for yourself during the workday (just because you needed to recharge)

You started this business to have that flexible work-from-home life – but it exploded on you (in a good way).
Your time capacity is running dangerously low – and you know if you don’t do something about it – fast – your revenue capacity is going to hit a hard cap, too.
Gone are the days of wishing you could sign just 2 more clients so you could pay the bills – these days, you’re more like “how long is it going to take to handle just the priority messages in my inbox after I put the kids to bed?”
You’re wondering where this luxurious work-at-home-mom gig went, and if you can ever get it back – ‘cause somewhere along the way, it vanished under a pile of invoices & client deliverables & half-done launch plans.
At this point, you’d almost give up half your daily coffee intake to be able to shut down the laptop each day at 4pm and cuddle up with your kids & husband (without scrambling off to fix supper!)…. And never think about your marketing to-do list till it’s tomorrow morning again.
Getting 2 or even 3 hours a day to yourself sounds like heaven – an empty nester’s one, in fact – but you’re getting more & more uncertain whether you can wait that long to get the house to yourself and just breathe again.
You wanted to enjoy these years of motherhood and business, not blur them away in a frazzle of client calls & perpetually-due projects with your phone glued to your hand.
But what’s it going to take to get off this treadmill?

Listen – I’ve been an online business owner for 5+ years.
I’ve seen it all – from 7-month-olds to teenagers doing college prep – and flexed my work-at-home life through it. (And no, I didn’t skip workouts or date nights to do it, either!)
I’m an introvert. And if I can make it work – not just work, thrive – then you can, too.
Because when we fix the time thing for you, you’ll use it for years to come.
● Always have CEO selfcare on the calendar
● Stash that cheat sheet with your list of “next hire” roles (so you can hand it off to your OBM or VA & get it delegated ASAP)
● Know precisely which chores to have your kids take over next

So that you have room to:
- Welcome in your next pod of mastermind clients
- Create your next six figure program
- Train your new part-time contractors (& keep those outsourced tasks permanently off your plate!)
This mythical trifecta of go-getter business owner, present mom, & fully recharged, lit-up woman is YOU….
And you’ve got the calendar to prove it.

Ready for an extra 20 hours a week to relax and spend time with your kids & husband?
(Without sacrificing any of that monthly revenue?)
- Give yourself the workouts, journaling, and hobby time you need every single day
- Deep work for hours (guilt-free) as you scale your business
- Shut off the marketing brain and be fully present as a mom
- Spend more time cuddling your kids, less time cleaning up after them
- Up your revenue, not your hours
Here’s what happened for my last 4 clients:
Shannon simplified what she was doing around the house in multiple areas + gave herself significant selfcare time in the middle of each work day + cut her work hours in half
Tami aligned her schedule blocks (for client, personal, & home) with the times she wanted to be working + got way more practice asking for what she wanted with family & identifying where the pain points were during her day
Margaret flipped the scheduling switch to “look how easy this is for me” to make her top priorities happen each week + completely shifted her self image & mindset
S. got clear on where she needed help in her home life & what steps she could take to give herself that level of support (plus put in place the new schedule that supported her own recharge needs!)
Want to scale faster, cuddle your kids, and put “me time” back on your calendar?

- I’m never going to tell you to “just do it” and hustle past your burnout.
- I know there’s way more to scaling a business than just a list of marketing strategies to check off (when you’re still the at-home parent).
- You’re not going to get hit over the head with “remember the years are short” or “stop being so distracted” advice.
Real before and afters:

You’ll walk away with….
● A daily work-from-home schedule that works for both your family AND your business
● Your ideal weekly CEO calendar (no more worries where everything is fitting in, whether for clients or kids)
● A personalized-to-your-business bank of cycle-synced tasks (so you know exactly what you’re doing during each hour, day, and phase of your cycle)

+ Clear your plate with….
● Your comprehensive delegation list for “run the family” tasks (so you’re never on the hook for all the washing up)
● A priority outsourcing list for your business (so you never have to wonder if this task should be on your plate again!)
● A VIP walkthrough with me (to explain your new calendar setup & add any tweaks you’d change)

+ Receive extended support….
● A complimentary CEO Mom Mindset rewiring session with me (so we can rewrite the mental stories that are keeping you from fully relaxing into your next level of support)
● Tailored-to-you support for 30 days after you get your new CEO schedule & delegation list (so we can get all the fine-tuning hammered out)

All you have to do is…
● Fill out your questionnaire
● Show up for your deep-dive VIP session
● Tell me when you need something tweaked
(Because this isn’t a one-and-done, see-you-later kind of thing!)
You have two choices here –
Stay stuck at your current revenue (and mom frustration) level….
Or quit doing everything yourself.
So which are you picking?

Ready to take back the “work at home with kids around” life you always intended this to be?
What have you got to lose?
Your energy draining “inbox fire” way of working.
Your “how long can I keep up this pace” worry.
The “hate this” part of your work-at-home day.