Now, you guys know by now that I don’t do the “just push through your to-do list” stuff.
But every once in a while, there’s an exception. Something came up (like a sick kid) and you HAVE to get an extra load of laundry done just before bed.
Or you had a super bad day and still haven’t gotten to the one most important thing on your to-do list, and it’s due tomorrow.
Real infrequent things there, but we know they happen.
So what do you do, the unbusy way, when you’re in a situation like this?
As luck would have it, I just had a client who ran into this specific situation, so let’s listen in on what I told her.
She was running a launch, and she had the date and event stuff all set up, but she hadn’t emailed her list of top customers about it.
It was late in the day, she was super tired, and she was also stressing out about it (because who wouldn’t? it’s a launch!) and she was feeling behind.
So I asked her, what’s the one thing you need to get done to keep you on track? Just that?
She answered, “Send tonight’s email.”
And that’s it! That’s what she did. Even though it was 10pm at night. She wrote it, she hit send, she went to bed – tomorrow’s email could be dealt with tomorrow.
She was *still* keeping to her internal launch schedule of when she wanted to get those emails out. Even if it happened at 10 o’clock at night.
So what’s still on *your* task list that absolutely has to get done? Make a pact with yourself to just do it – no bells and whistles, just the speediest way possible – and knock it out in the most efficient way you possibly can.
*Then* you can go to bed.
*Then* you can sit down for the afternoon.
*Then* you can have your much delayed lunch.
Whatever it is that you’ve been pushing off, know you need to replenish your energy, and really, really want to get to.
Just one more thing, and then you can.
You’ve got this.