How many times have you fallen into this trap – the trap of “I can’t leave my kids behind because I’m a mom now, first and foremost, so they have to come everywhere with me”?
Listen – you’re allowed to take yourself out of the house for a few hours, and leave your husband with the kids.
You’re allowed to go to the grocery store by yourself instead of letting them all come with you if you’re at the end of your rope and really needing to talk to God on the drive.
You have permission to occasionally need time away from all the little humans clustered in your life.
It’s okay!
Now, what just came up in your mind when I said that? What “oh no, can’t possibly” thought popped up, or maybe a “she’s just plain wrong! I think XYZ” conviction?
*There’s* the rub. *There’s* the real meat here.
‘Cause those thoughts are the real reason why you haven’t taken yourself out for coffee, or sent all the kids out of the house to the park with dad, or let yourself crave peace and quiet and *actually get it*.
That’s why you believe you don’t deserve it. That it isn’t in the job description. That you’d be a bad mom if you took it.
And so you didn’t.
But – we can change that. (If you want to.)
So if you do, what where those couple of automatic reactions in your brain when I said you get to take time off from your little humans?
Popping up again? Good. Because this time we’re going to write them down.
And then you’re going to take them to God, and ask Him what’s true through a thick lens of “I’m allowed to have breaks; this gets to be easy; and sometimes I put too much pressure on myself.”
Got it?
Once you’re done with this journaling/prayer exercise, you’re going to have so much clarity about breaking your self-imposed chains as a mother, and you’re going to experience a new level of freedom and space in your day-to-day life.
So if you want freedom – if you want margin – if you want space – then what are you waiting for?
Let’s do the uncomfortable work. Let’s dive deep into our unconscious beliefs. Let’s undo our programming.
And let’s let only the God-ordained thoughts remain.
Remember, you create your reality. You create your everyday lived experience of motherhood and life.
Which also means you can change your current norm with the stroke of a pen (from that journal).
Go get with God, do the work, replace lies with truth, and I can’t wait to see what happens for you in your #momlife.
Change is always possible.
You’ve got this.