You’ve been here, right?
Worrying so hard whether or not you can do this project that you just make all the fancy to-do lists and then collapse in exhaustion at the mere thought of checking them all off?
There’s a better way. No, there’s an *easier* way. (You were hoping I was going to say that, weren’t you!)
And today’s client case study shows us what it is.
One of my clients recently needed to do a launch for an event she was holding. All the tech and email software and hitting her numbers (for attendees) was really stressing her out (plus, it wasn’t really in her wheelhouse). She was worrying about Convert Kit tags and list segmentation and how many emails to send out when and so on and so forth.
You know what I told her? Just do what’s easier.
Pay someone else for 2 hours to set up all your emails to the right set of people. They can figure that out; you can tell them.
*You* just write the emails. *You* just plan your marketing campaign.
Stop worrying about the nitty gritty of how to create just the right list of interested event-goers from your huge list of potential sign-ups and leave that to the tech people.
You’re building up this whole “aaaah! I need to market my launch!” into this really big, I-hate-marketing thing in your brain, when really?
You love marketing. You’re *great* at it. You *love* making connections with people.
That’s your superpower!
So what in the world are you doing micromanaging the tech?! Get that off your to-do list and onto someone else’s plate so you can shine making personal invitations to your people!
Yes – you can just do the fun stuff of creating the event promotions! That’s totally allowed!
No one said you had to do the grunt work of a launch, that’s totally outside your skill set, when you’ve got the money to hire team for a few extra hours to do it. (Which was the case for this client.)
So go do your marketing, and go have fun!
Now here’s the lesson for you.
What’s the easy part of this ginormous project for you? What’s the part you’re like “well, I’m good at THAT, but I’ve got to spend the bulk of my time over HERE?”
No, you don’t. Find ways to just do the parts you’re good at – the ones that come almost too easily to you – and outsource the rest.
Big business projects are very complex beasts, and there’s no reason why *you* need to be the one to check off every single part of them.
Play to your strengths. You’re going to be a lot happier for it.