Are you still stuck in the rat race spiral, the “never enough time for work and kids and home” and “I’m going crazy just thinking about it” mode?
If so, I want you to really pause, and listen to this client transformation story, and let yourself feel like this can be *me*. I’m going to be one of these case studies one day. One day, my daily life is going to feel so much better.
It *can* change. But first, you need a little productivity coaching. Here’s this work-at-home mom’s story of what that looked like for her.
She says: “I loved the idea Alyssa shares about not having to wait ’til your kids are grown to actually enjoy your life. I started to think that maybe something better was possible for me.
Before I was feeling overwhelmed by my life as a work at home mom of two kids with special needs. I had too much going on and didn’t feel like there was anything I could cut.
I love that I have now set the standard that I should have two hours in the middle of the day for “me” time. It helps me see how many activities we can add and how much work I can take on.
The idea of clearing out a couple of margin time blocks a week, so that I have some extra white space for things that inevitably pop up, has been huge. I can easily shift things around when my kids get sick or one of their therapists has to cancel or an unexpected appointment pops up without getting behind on my other commitments.
Plus, I’ve drastically simplified the way I cook dinner. Now, I just batch cook very simple meals three times a week – my husband helps on the weekend – and we eat leftovers the rest of the time.”