Hey, so glad to have you back with me today!
It’s truth talk chat time about why you maybe shouldn’t start a productivity program at this level in your business, or when it’s a good idea to delay handling the time management side of things (not just an excuse).
Number 1, if you’re still in the deciding process of “should I start a business” – this is a real time commitment, and you need to take it seriously before any of this is going to work.
(Aka, you’ll drop out real fast if you don’t have a why strong enough to win over scrolling Instagram and watching Netflix every day.)
So if you’re still in this stage, you don’t need a time efficiency program. You haven’t gone all in yet.
Number 2, if your WAHM-not-SAHM mindset isn’t in a strong enough place yet -i.e., when push comes to shove, you aren’t ready to make concrete changes to your family’s schedule and actually hold those time boundaries when your kids or husband want to know why you’re working or not bathroom cleaning or simplifying your menu variety drastically, then this isn’t a good idea for you.
Because you won’t be able to get much lasting good from my “delegate this!” and “stop doing that!” time strategies if you’re unconsciously sabotaging each and every effort you make to actually show up and promote your business!
So I don’t want to waste your time, and mine, when you’re not fully ready for it.
Come back to me when your mental game is anywhere from “I’ve got wobbles but I’m committed to finding a way through it” to “I’m 210% in and just need a few better strategies to scale this.”
Either way, you’ll know when you’re ready to work through those uncomfortable stories in your head about your role as a mother and a work-from-home business owner and what this all actually means to your hour-by-hour life.
Now number 3, when you don’t actually want to make changes – when you find a recurring frustration point in your weekly schedule, but you’d rather whine about it than choose to make a change – then yep, you shouldn’t be spending your money on this.
‘Cause all I’m going to be doing is giving you tons of “but what if you do it this way?” strategies, and you have *no* intention of following through on them.
(Kinda sounds like “but I don’t like my options.” Well, yeah – you chose them. So what are you willing to put up with? That’s on you – I can’t make you want to change for you. We’re all about personal choice and power here.)
And number 4, don’t bother with a productivity program if you’re not willing to drop anything from your list (or mental self-expectations) so you can fit your marketing strategies in.
(I.e., you’re still holding onto the dishes and veggie prepping as part of your duty as the mom.)
Look, if your sole reason for joining is in hopes that I can make you ultra-efficient about your already-too-many-rocks day, I’m not going to take you on as a client. Because I want what’s best for you, and being too busy most certainly is not.
(It all comes back to that “unbusy” part of the equation, remember.)
So I’m all for right sizing your life – I’ll help you do that all day – but if you’ve labeled every last thing in your schedule as a sacred cow?
Then there’s no room to budge, and fundamentally, I can’t help you.
Come back to me when you’re sick and tired of the go-go-go train in life, and then we’ll be able to do something about it.
And lastly, number 5: if your business is already at 5 hours a week and you’re hoping that an ultra-efficient time management can get it any lower, please don’t sign up.
You need to put your business on pause if this little number of hours a week is stressing you out.
You’ll get no judgment from me here – life is life sometimes – but you need to be able to make the “do I have bandwidth for this or not” decision.
Totally apart from things like maternity leaves and all that. (Which I can absolutely help you prep for and do!)
But if you need an under 5 hours a week business, I just don’t think that’s realistic for you to schedule. Give yourself the 5 hours back and you’ll be a healthier, happier woman for it.
So bottom line, you know I’m the coach for you if :
- You want to start scaling now, not when your kids graduate high school.
- You’re tired of trying to shoehorn one more client meeting or reels recording session into your day.
- You know there’s a better way to live the mompreneur CEO life than this.
- You want out of the work-at-home rat race now.
- You need to see the white space in your schedule now, not 3 years from now when you’ve got an OBM and a 5-person team to handle everything for you.
And you also know I’m NOT the coach for you if:
- You’ve given up on the time management front already and plan to just hire an executive assistant to do everything for you.
- You think there’s no hope for you ‘cause you’re in the “used to be organized but then I had kids” crowd.
- You’re content with staying in the <$10k months category.
- You don’t want to shake up your current daily schedule to give yourself the time and energy you need to take on that CEO mindset.
- You believe that spending money to uplevel your own skillset now, so you can be a better business owner later, is always a waste of time and resources.
So. What do you think?
What camp are you in? Is Scheduling, Mindset, and Delegation going to be the turning point for you and your whole entrepreneurship journey?
I know it has the power to change everything about your day-to-day, need to update my website services page but haven’t had lunch yet and the laundry still needs to be started but I can’t think yet because of all the sibling fights going on in the house.
But honestly, it really isn’t that your specific biz project – or even scaling to $15 or $20k months – is so hard, it’s just that you don’t have the time or the brainspace to sit down and do it.
You’d have the launch copy part handled if the kids would ever leave you in peace long enough to write it.
But now it’s time to change that story and stop living in “mompreneur = hamster wheel chaos land” and give yourself permission to actually get where you’re going.
The easy way. (I.e., the unbusy way.)
20 no-guilt hours or more a week for your multi-6-figure business (while still being present with your kids), no running yourself into the ground or skipping movie nights with your family, and still making room for another baby or 3 more clients if you want them.
That’s what I help you do.
The real question is, do you want this?
Next up: your cheat code for mompreneur life made easy.
Got q’s? See you in the DMs or on email or in a call!
What if you could run your work-at-home business, manage the kids and house, and get a break every single day – without being a bad mom? What if you had a mompreneur life you didn’t need a vacation from?
Here’s your working-from-home-with-kids solution: delegate 65% of your chores, set up a 3-item daily to-do list, and get 3 hours back for your business every day!
‘Cause guess what? You don’t need another time management program or productivity system as a work-from-home mom. What you need is a way to turn your daily mompreneur life around from crazy-busy hustle-with-kids mode to actually-like-my-life (and bring in money!) mode.
‘Cause hustle wasn’t meant to be normal. Not when you’re a mom with a business.