3 Steps to Free Up 10+ Hours a Week:

Biz + Kid Balance

Time for Business

WAHM Routines

Off Your Plate

How does 3 hours a day to yourself sound?

  • ✔ Your business is so successful that you’ve got more clients & referrals than you can take on right now
  • ✔ Your inbox is blowing up (so are your DMs)
  • ✔ Your marketing & content are getting pushed more & more last minute as you try to keep up (‘cause you operate in “clients first” responsible-ness)
  • ✔ Your kids need more of your time than you’ve currently got
  • ✔ You can’t remember the last time you took a 2-hour break for yourself during the workday (just because you needed to recharge)

You wanted to enjoy these years of motherhood and business, not blur them away in a frazzle of client calls & perpetually-due projects with your phone glued to your hand.

Listen – I’ve been an online business owner for 5+ years, with 5 kids at home with me (all day every day), with podcasts to record and client calls to take – and I’m still giving myself 3 hours of me time per day. 

And if I can make it work? You can, too.

Ready to take back the “work at home with kids around” life you always intended this to be?

Grab your free Have It All Game Plan right here, and I can’t wait to send you a video with my personalized tweaks!

Schedules and Your Sanity

Skip the biz vs. kids mom guilt….

Here's how to be a needle-moving CEO + a present mom - with plenty of me time for yourself!