Look, here’s the deal.
You know you’ve got to get off the fence and make a choice.
Because this road you’re on eventually runs out, and then there is no more runway. No more room to dither. No more space to keep being undecided.
And if you’re still just deciding about it – still humming and hawing which fork is right for you – you’re running out of time.
Oh, and by the way, humming and hawing is not actual change. Nor will it ever get you there.
You have to decide what you want most, where you’re going in life (aka, which fork in the road to go down), and then take steps towards it – actually turn off your main road to go left or right.
Because staying on the fence – staying in the middle lane till there’s no more road and you crash and burn – is a decision in itself.
So what are you avoiding today? Let’s apply this fork in the road/running out of room scenario to it.
What are the two choices ahead of you?
When do they come due? (You know when’s the actual, latest deadline that you can choose one way or another?)
How close is that?
And what are you scared of, so scared that you’re willing to crash straight into the road-less middle between these 2 forks in the road, rather than choose and turn?
Journal through these questions, and you’ll have your answer in front of you.
I pray that you receive great clarity today over your life, your business, your homeschooling direction, your finances, your schedule, whatever it is, after you go through these questions with God.
He’s got the answers; He’ll show you.
If you’re willing to show up and find out, then He’s got this. There’s no way you’ll make the wrong decision.
So talk over the hard things with Him, find out what you’re scared about, and move forward in strength and power on the right choice ahead of you.
The two of you have got this.