Here’s something I know about you if you’re a work-at-home mom: you want to work smarter, not harder.
So how does delegation play in?
In my opinion, delegation is one of the most crucial pieces for work-at-home moms to get their heads around.
Because unless you have severely limited work hours – unless you WANT to be one of those side hustle moms working 5 to 10 hours a week – you’re going to HAVE to quit doing some of the things around the house.
It’s just simple physics; you can’t fit any more into the time you have without getting rid of something.
So find the easiest chores to hand off to your kids, pick your faster meal-prepping menus, and ignore the voices in your head that say you “should” be able to be a gourmet cook, deep clean the house weekly, AND work on your business.
It’s not possible.
You need to majorly simplify the cooking you’re doing every day; AND get your kids started on laundry (assuming they’re old enough); AND start delegating a lot of the basic housework around your house. (Again, assuming they’re old enough.)
Why? Because the baby tending and the homeschooling and the wife-ing and the parenting – *plus* your business – don’t leave you much *time* for the other cleaning/cooking/laundry tasks!
You’re not available for your purpose to be swallowed up by the laundry.
That’s reason number one. Reason number two is that you’re not available for your purpose to be swallowed up by the laundry. And since you’ve got kids *and* a business, something’s got to give (and it’s not going to be them!).
Listen, you’re the only one who can educate newbie moms on how to sew wearable dresses for their little girls, or get a canning garden out of a single plot of land – *plus* you’re the only mom who can properly nurture and take care of and shepherd your unique kids!
That means you’ve got *two* “I’m the only one” things on your life. And that’s plenty, don’t you think?
Finally, reason number three is that you can’t be everywhere at once. You’re finite.
And the energy reserves you’re relying on to get you through the day, parent with grace when you’re about to snap, or put in place some really creative marketing ideas for your business or serve those clients – those reserves are finite.
You don’t have all day. (Not all 24 hours, that is.) You *do* have to sleep sometimes.
As much as you may dislike it, you’re a human, and you need to be charged up, and that sometimes (often!) requires more time than we think.
So unless you’re prepared to ditch your kids and your family and live off by yourself in the woods (and I hope you’re not), you can’t be fully relaxed and charged *and* work 40 hours a week on your business. Not happening.
What this means, when you come right down to it, is that you’ve *got* to embrace delegation. Outsourcing. Whatever you want to call it.
It’s going to be the root of your business success, ‘cause it’s what truly lets you “do it all.” And that’s what you’re really here for as a business-owning mom.