Did you swear off New Year’s resolutions this year? Or are you still making some?
Here’s 4 anti-New Year’s resolutions I’m making to keep me on track in 2024.
Number one: Running out for groceries at anything less than the most convenient time for ME, in MY day. Because the store is not my big rock for the day – work is.
Number two: Being perfectionist about my decluttering (aka, it’s okay to put the “to remove” item into a box with other “to remove” items, not handle it right then and there).
Context: I’ve already KonMari’d, so I’m only doing this because I’m so far along in the minimizing process. (It’s kind of like filing paperwork every day vs. every other month!)
Number three: Pushing through my creative ebbs and flows in the business as if they don’t exist (yes, long weekends with my family/around the house are a good change of pace!).
Context: this is coming from a discipline person, so imagine the shift from “do this every day” to “flow with your monthly hormones”!
Number four: Scolding myself for wanting to listen to self-development podcasts every day instead of “working.” I love to learn, and doing a little each day is something I look forward to!
Context: I’m past startup phase, so pulling back on work hours is actually a healthy thing for me at this point.
And if you’re looking to make this kind of anti-resolution list, just think back over your current life and see: where am I making things harder for myself every day or every week?
Turn that into an anti-resolution by restating it as “I’m NOT going to do X anymore; instead, I’m going to do Y.”
Then post this list somewhere you’ll see it at those times of day (or week) when you used to get off track. ‘Cause you’re not going to anymore.
You just made your mom life better, because you chose to.
For good.
Go out there and live this!