Ok. Real talk time. Here’s why your previous productivity strategies aren’t working anymore.
- You had another kid
- You’ve got more clients than you can actually hold (great problem to have, but it’s true)
- You’re too tired to chase the kids and the leads all 16 hours a day
- Your mom brain is already full, plus you’ve got all the “feed the 6-figure-business machine” stuff
- And you want to scale to the multi-6-figure mark, but for the life of you, you can’t see where you’d have the time to make it happen, marketing wise!
So. Here’s the solution.
You go get yourself some time management coaching with me, and while you’re thinking about that, I’ll give you 7 ways that working with me is going to net you more dollars going back into your business coffers.
Number 1, when you respect your client boundaries enough as a service provider to end each client call on time, it’s going to allow you to fit more clients and projects into your day.
Number 2, this enables you to take on even more clients, because I’ll teach you how to get your husband and kids to respect all the new call times you chose.
(Aka, you’re allowing your business to take up space in your family’s schedule. Which isn’t always the easiest thing to get your head around as the mom and business owner, which is why I’m helping you with that. Mindset things again.)
Number 3, with your new super wonderful (full) schedule, I’ll help you know exactly what to hand off to your VAs so you can just focus on the client delivery stuff.
Sounds amazing, right? No more wearing every single hat in the business, time to offload to your team!
(Even if you’ve just got the kids at home – I’ll show you how to function as a solopreneur who doesn’t stress out about everything ‘cause it’s not all on her plate.)
Now number 4, you’ll also streamline all those content rhythms you’ve already got, so you can get super good at creating content for your membership or course platform (or even just weekly content!) really quickly, leading to you spending more time on the lead gen and marketing that brings in that revenue lifeblood for your business.
Sounds great, right?
And here are 3 more benefits you’ll get from working with me: 1, you’ll finally have the time in your day to get to everything you want to (both in your business and for your kids).
2, you’ll be able to show up to serve your clients and market your business guilt-free, without worrying about your kids and your mothering of them.
And 3, you get to help people with what you know (not just your family and yourself), because your business takes off and becomes a not-so-secret success.
‘Cause you’re not the one who’s struggling to make this business a go of it, but the one whose only question is “how long can I keep this pace up?
- You’re worried you’ll have to be really on the ball tomorrow to get it all done.
- You’re running through your day, each hour, in your head and wondering if it’s going to be a shit-show day or one of those magic “good” ones.
- You’re concerned that your work projects will run over and that your kids or husband won’t give you any grace (aka, time) to wrap up and finish.
- You’re afraid that you won’t make enough progress this week (because, #momlife again) and that this’ll snowball into stalled/plateaued progress (i.e., revenue) in your business.
- You’re worried about the infrastructure you’ll need to really scale this thing on the long end and whether your husband will believe you that this needs to be done (vs. second-guess you hiring for support and act like a little extra money in the bank each month is the extent of your capabilities as a CEO).
- You’re concerned about your own ability to run a company at the level you want it to grow to (a million dollars a year? 2 million?).
- You worry where you’ll be able to find good team (that’s that mythical unicorn of knowledgeable but willing to learn and responsible but order-taking).
- And you’re concerned about the money management involved at these higher financial levels (worried your tax accountants will cheat you and that you’ll lose significant sums of money on fees and fines and stuff you don’t even know about yet).
And you’ve already tried printables, routines, morning and evening pickups (instead of relaxing), working on weekends, working during the evenings, talking to your husband, getting ideas from your biz girlfriends, asking your mom, listening to a few of the productivity business episodes on podcasts (you know, the really basic “organize your workday” ones or the bro “5am morning” ones), journaling out your next 6 months’ worth of action steps, and writing down to-do lists for the day (the night before).
None of this has worked for you because you need something far more nitty gritty than the basics. Plus, you’re not bought into “just follow this routine & your life will change” thinking, so you’re already half-not-believing this and only doing it half-heartedly.
You need personal advice, empathetic solutions, and exploration of the reasons why you haven’t made this or that or the other routine work for you.
(Since it truly is as simple as “just do it” – but you have to be ruthless to make this approach work by yourself.)
The upshot is, you feels guilt about your own ambition at the same time as you is so lit up by it and the thought of what you could accomplish in this business.
You’re fighting for your own ideas, your product, your program, your chance to succeed in the online marketplace.
It’s the opportunity to carve something out of your own ideas/talents/abilities that lights up your soul and brings money into the family.
I would love to hear what your biggest bottleneck is right now, show you what you need to do to make that part of your daily or weekly schedule so much better (aka, doable and actually fun again), and blow your mind with all the time crunch stuff you’ve been putting up with that you don’t have to anymore.
Because my business mission in life is to help ambitious work-from-home moms (that’s you!) get 20 no-guilt hours a week for your multi-6-figure business (while still being present with your kids).
And you’re ready to prove them all wrong by scaling your work-from-home business to $15k months or more, even with kids around!
And if you’d like this kind of lightbulb moment, too, I created this 6 months’ time management coaching program just for you.
Listen, the difference between “get in my energy” or “pay for proximity” memberships and masterminds and my coaching is that I’m going to hold space for you to process.
All those worries, wishes, and strategies about where you are right now with your work life – your home life – your kids – your business strategies – your marketing to-do list – your content rhythm – that’s exactly what we’re making time for right now.
And then I’m going to hold space for you to walk through what needs to happen next, the exact personalization you need to reach your next-level step, all that “right where you are” stuff.
(With all my years of experience behind you to come up with creative solutions!)
Which is not what you’re getting from that membership where you’re expected to digest all the trainings, clearly communicate to your head coach what your problem is (when you don’t even half understand it yourself!), and hold yourself through almost all the execution of each strategy & mindset block (except for the single once a month Q&A you can get her to answer for you).
I mean, what?!
I’m supposed to deal with the 3 thousand mindset blocks and do this vs. that wobbles and “wait, my kids ruined my recording!” blooper reels till you deign to answer that “just 1” top q I have?
What about the other 2,999 worries I’ve got right now?!
I’m here to get you personally to your other side as an entrepreneur – not to throw 10,000 modules at you and tell you you need to learn 12 new things to be a good CEO mom, and oh by the way, you only get to ask me 1 question a month.
Because I know it’s the personalization and customization that’s required for you, right now, to really enjoy where you are right now in your launch goals as well as scale to your next phase of business.
All right?
So if this level of “you are the most important thing” and hearing what *your* concerns are and completely customizing everything about time management to your unique mompreneur life sounds like the dream unicorn fix to you, it isn’t – that’s my zone of genius, and what I would be so thrilled to help you with.
Go ahead and reach out to me, tell me what’s really going on (beyond the “I’m too busy” surface excuse you tell all your mom friends), so I can help you discover what would really move you forward (to that non-mythical “no mom guilt, hitting all the MRR” level) of at-home entrepreneurship) you desire.
I can’t wait to see you in the DMs or on email or in a call, and I’ll see you in the next episode! That’s all for now, and have a wonderful day.
What if you could run your work-at-home business, manage the kids and house, and get a break every single day – without being a bad mom? What if you had a mompreneur life you didn’t need a vacation from?
Here’s your working-from-home-with-kids solution: delegate 65% of your chores, set up a 3-item daily to-do list, and get 3 hours back for your business every day!
‘Cause guess what? You don’t need another time management program or productivity system as a work-from-home mom. What you need is a way to turn your daily mompreneur life around from crazy-busy hustle-with-kids mode to actually-like-my-life (and bring in money!) mode.
‘Cause hustle wasn’t meant to be normal. Not when you’re a mom with a business.