Are you concerned that your business will never grow if you keep on homeschooling?
Or conversely, that you’re not going to be a good mom and properly pay attention to the education of your kids if you’re also running a side hustle?
Let’s explore all the nuances around calling, purpose, and mom guilt that we all feel when we’re doing both – BOTH a homeschooler AND a business owner.
Your fundamental belief
First off, you chose this WAHM life because you fundamentally believed motherhood could be both-and, not either-or.
If you’d decided that being a mother was truly incompatible with having a career, you wouldn’t have had kids.
And if you thought, down to your bones, that being a mother took up all your time and energy to where you couldn’t have anything else going on – well, you would never have started this business. This side hustle. Your passion project.
So deep down, you DO believe you can have it all – you’re just having trouble working out some of the bugs. And that’s okay.
Don’t neglect your calling
Now. If that’s so, and if your purpose as a woman includes both raising your kids and running a business, then neglecting either is neglecting your calling from the Lord!
It’s just as important for you to see that everyone has three square meals a day as it is to make progress on your business.
It has to be, if both are from the Lord.
How would this kind of thinking flip those mom guilt scripts you have running through your head? What would change in your mental processes if you countered each guilt lie with the truth?
You see, to fully succeed in your work-from-home business, you’re going to have to let go of the “what if” and “should I” and all that other mom guilt stuff.
They’re chains, dragging you down, when you just entered another leg of this race. (Your life, and your purpose.)
Now, obviously, the enemy doesn’t WANT you to be a great mother to your kids and a kingdom business owner – so he’s going to sabotage you at every turn.
- He wants you to ignore the calling God’s placed on your heart and focus solely on your home.
- He wants you to ignore the kids God already gave you and pour everything into the business.
- Failing that, he wants you to try to do both in the most scatter-brained, this-will-never-work, disempowered sort of way – because then it won’t.
Which one of these attacks is yours, right now?
And what truth from God can you use to counter it?
What to do about the time crunch
Now, practically speaking, here’s how to handle your day if you feel that work is flowing into homeschool and vice versa (and not in a good way): time blocking.
That’s your answer, right there.
Have designated times for you to wear the mom hat and answer any questions your kids have about their lessons for the day, get some laundry or food prepping in, and generally run around taking care of children and feeding everyone as usual.
But then: go a step further and designate certain times of day as “business woman” blocks.
This is when you’re going to work on your website, write email sequences, fulfill client projects, answer team q’s, record your new course, edit podcast episodes, film something for YouTube, whatever.
You CAN have it all – you’re just working out the bugs.
This is your set aside “building a business” time. And it is every bit as important that you do not cut into, short, or otherwise take time away from that time as it is for you to NOT skip your kids’ lessons, grading, homework help, or feeding them supper.
They’re *both* part of your mission.
And the best way I know to do both, guilt-free, is to set aside certain times of day for both “hats” so you know when to turn on the biz-owner switch, and when to turn off the mom switch!
Which, by the way, is exactly what we get into in #Momlife Made Easy. Because you need to know exactly how you want your day to play out – also your week – plus what commitments or hard deadlines you’re working with each day.
So I’m going to spend a good portion of our time together coaching you through this process of setting aside intentional time for each part of your life as you run your unique family – because that’s where the magic happens. (Of the “I can get it all done” variety!)
You know, I had to take myself through this exact process first – I didn’t have someone guiding me through it when I first started my own business. I had to create what I needed, simply through trial and error, and generalize the principles later.
Which is why I’m so passionate about helping YOU get started on the right foundation, or revamp your existing business-and-home-life setup to truly skyrocket your success – because having your day in order?
That’s the magic bullet when you’re running your own business as a mom.
That’s what makes everything doable.
And since I figured this all out when I had 5 kids, one being a less-than-year-old infant, when I was homeschooling to boot, I KNOW I can help you work out a schedule that fits YOUR family. Your calendar appointments, your must-do activities, and your schooling choices.
Because that’s what I do.
And so if you need encouragement along this journey, someone to be there for you in this work-from-home process, I want to be that cheerleader for you.
I want to be the person who sees you succeed in your business and love your home life.
I want to be your troubleshooter, your time blocking trainer.
Because getting to fit everything (essential) in, that you *know* you need in your life?
There’s nothing better than that satisfaction (when you’re a planner, that is).
When you *know* you’ve got everything covered, you’re meeting your obligations with time to spare, and you’re getting to do work you love and hug your kids at the end of it. (Or all during it!)
And that’s what I want to help you step into. It’s nothing less than your purpose.
So for today, I want you to journal on this thought: Where do I need support to live out my purpose?
- Do I need a course about this business topic?
- Do I need a meal prepping guide?
- Do I need someone to look after my kids for a couple hours?
- Do I need time management training?
- Do I need cleaning help?
What is it that you need – not what you *think* you need, mind you – that would propel you to greater success and ease in your work-from-home life?
Take steps towards that.
Go get that.
‘Cause that’s where you need to invest next, right now.