I’ve got a fun little quiz for you today:
Are you a marathon cleaner, or a devotee of the “a little a day” philosophy?
In other words, do you favor a four-hour cleaning session on Saturday, or do you prefer to complete one cleaning task per day during the work week?
Bonus question: Which way did you grow up cleaning, and does it match your preferred philosophy today?
I’ll go first.
I grew up with the Saturday marathon method. My sibling and I had the day to ourselves – after we got all the vacuuming done, cleaned the bathrooms, took out the trash, and cooked ourselves lunch.
After that? The day was ours.
As a mom, however, I was starting to see the holes in this cleaning method.
I didn’t have 3 hours straight to devote to the cleaning. Not in between diaper changes, snacks, nursing, and potty runs, at least.
So I had to roll with real life and flex my cleaning schedule.
Aka, I became an “a little a day” girl. I could fit in toilet scrubbing Monday, dusting on Tuesday, showers on Wednesday, mirrors + counters Thursday, and vacuuming Friday. It could all work.
And that’s what I did, for many years.
But at heart, I’m still a batch-it-in-one-go person. I like to get my cleaning blitz on (and ignore the floors the rest of the time!).
Still, I’ve learned how to flex with the flow of whatever season I’m in.
It’s not the type of cleaning routine you’re using that’s the point – it’s how well it matches your needs right now.
And that’s something worth learning as a mom with kids spanning a ten-year age range.
In fact, if you coach with me in #Momlife Made Easy, we’re going to spend two whole modules on the chores – one for you, to get your baseline down, and another for the kids (i.e., getting them to help you)!
Because you DO need a handle on how many loads of laundry how often for your family, or in my case, how often to clean the mud off the kitchen floor (from certain boys tromping in and out).
But beyond all that planning and doing, you need to know how much you can handle, on what days – and that’s exactly what I love breaking down for you.
But back to the present – are you a marathon cleaner, like I was, or do you prefer the “little a day” method?
And which cleaning style fits better with your current season in life?
Go rejigger the chores in your planner and set daily reminders (or delete all the daily ones and move them all to Saturday) if you need to swap what you’re doing.
Because it’s not the type of cleaning routine you’re using that’s the point, it’s how well it matches your needs right now.
Anything need shifting in your cleaning schedule today?