I bet you’ve heard of cycle syncing – but do you know how it can actually help your life?
(It’s not just to make you super-good at memorizing the scientific name for each phase of your cycle!)
In this podcast interview with Hormone Rants, I’m chatting with Briana about using cycle syncing to personalize your exercise routine, what food you eat, and even vacation planning.
Read on for a sneak peek of our conversation below!
Unpack for us this idea of feminine cycle productivity – what it means to work according to your body’s rhythms, and be okay with ebb and flow?
Food for cycle syncing: yes, it’s a thing! Give our listeners an overview of what foods we should be eating when.
In a similar vein, you mentioned that exercise actually shouldn’t be the same throughout our cycle. What would you recommend for a mom who’s trying out this exercise cycle syncing for the first time?
Tell us how to plan for vacations based on where we are in our cycles, or how to adapt a pre-scheduled vacation (since we often can’t flex on dates) to each phase of our cycle.
Tune in to hear Briana’s answers on all of the above, plus more!
Grab Briana’s free cycle tracker if you’re ready to get started with cycle syncing.