You’ve run into those naysayers, right? The ones that say, “oh, I would never do things that way – are you sure you know what’s best? Aren’t you afraid it’ll never work out?”
And they send you right into a worry spiral about your parenting choices, your schooling choices, or your run-a-business-while-having-kids choices while you stand there and watch.
Listen – don’t let anyone tell you can’t choose this for your family, or that you’re not “allowed” to do X.
You have every right to pick something different.
You have every right to try a new experiment.
You have every right to push back against the crowd.
They’re the ones not recognizing your autonomy in this. Disrespecting your role as the mother of your kids. Second-guessing each and every thing you say, do, or think about how you’re raising your family.
Don’t let them!
It’s none of their business. Raising your kids is your business.
And God didn’t pick them to parent your children – He picked you.
So what are your must-have, don’t-mess-with-me priorities? You know, the ones that just rub you wrong when family members tell you you can’t do this?
(Alert: Boundary crossing ahead!)
Keep that boundary in place, divert that conversation, and hold fast to your God-given, “we do it this way” priorities.
They’re yours for a reason.
Because this is how you prioritize your schedule.
This is how you stay true to your family vision.
And this is how you hold the line when receiving cultural push back.
Because you weren’t meant to be like the others. God never tells us to do that.
Go be unbusy.