So this is from a former client of mine, who needed to decide whether to hop in a monthly membership for the personal side of her life, or whether it was just FOMO marketing that was making her feel like she was missing out.
She knew that I was in non-business memberships too, so she asked me how I decided in those situations.
Here’s what I told her, ‘cause the mom side of our lives deserves attention and investment too….
First, decide what part of this membership (or parts) you’re actually going for. Do you *want* the community aspect? The all-access pass to this lady’s courses? The regular coaching calls or new trainings dropped?
The leader can offer anything she wants; that doesn’t concern you. What *you* need to know is what you’re paying for (and it can be just one part of what she’s including).
That’s totally fine. And here’s why – it’s not that you “aren’t using” your membership if you skip the community section or whatever. It’s that you know what you came for, and those homeschooling coaching calls are worth the entire price of this membership to you.
That sort of thinking. So take this proposed membership that you’re thinking of joining, lay out each and every single thing that’s included, and take the time to ask yourself whether you really care about all of them.
You may not, and that’s okay.
Next up. As much as we want a quick decision, you may find that you need a couple months’ trial to make a decision.
If you *think* you really need those calls, for example, but you aren’t sure if maybe the free access to her “how to homeschool” course is *really* what you need, then there’s no harm in trying it out for a month or two (or even three!) to find out which part is really what you want.
Most memberships offer introductory rates or month-by-month pricing anyways.
You figuring out if this is something you need to be in long-term is worth it. Okay?
And third, I want you to journal just a touch on what you’re afraid of missing out on by skipping this membership. If you decide it’s not worth it to you.
Let’s go straight for that FOMO marketing and find out the truth. Get some concrete “I’m afraid of not knowing how to change curriculum mid-year” or “I worry that I’ll be missing some foundational secret of homeschool scheduling” fears out there. Out of your head and onto paper.
*Now* you can evaluate logically. Is this the only place you can get that info? Do you feel like this woman is the best place for you to learn this?
Then go ahead, join the membership.
On the other hand, if your fears sound silly once they hit the light of day, what did you discover? That you didn’t need this program, and it was all fancy marketing anyway.
Which was still good to know. ‘Cause now you don’t need to spend your money on a FOMO trap.
So for you, what membership are you currently using or contemplating or wondering about re-upping? Go through these three steps about it, and you’ll know whether or not it’s the right choice for you (in this season).
There’s no reason to worry about your #momlife investments either. (I know you’re already evaluating your business ones.)
And you’re absolutely allowed to pay to learn how to make sourdough, get that weight loss, or feel confident about homeschooling.
You’re *allowed*.