You know all those memes about “don’t waste your life” and “the years are short” and “one day, you’ll look back and regret that you didn’t do XYZ”?
Yeah, those ones. Well, listen up – they’ve actually got a nugget of truth to offer you amidst all the trite-ness.
Stef Gass says, “A distracted life is death to your dreams.” And you know what? She’s right.
Distracting yourself with housework and grading homework and planning the next menu is just a mask for why you’re not reaching for your *own* dreams.
Busying yourself with homeschooling or child rearing or baby wearing or organic food feeding is just a distraction from the bigger reality of your unmet purpose.
(And before you come after me, shouting “my children are my purpose,” yeah, I know. I agree. But the purpose I’m talking about is the one you’d have had – the ONLY one you’d have had – if you’d never gotten married at all. The “why is this person put here in the world” purpose. And it wasn’t just to raise a family.)
Because I don’t believe God puts boys and girls on the earth, gives them to families, and then watches them grow up, waiting for the girls to turn off the path of purpose to go be housewives. (While somehow the boys stay ON His path despite eventually having families.)
You GET another life mission when you become a mom – it doesn’t replace your first one.
I don’t believe that the instant you get a ring on your finger (as a girl), that your entire life mission winks out, to be replaced by another one – babies and cleaning.
I don’t believe that at all.
I believe that you GET another one – not that it replaces your first one.
So that means you – yes, you – have something else you’re supposed to be doing with your life.
Something that all your talents, gifts, and abilities have been given to you for.
Because childrearing is just a season – a long one, at that – and then you’re going to be left with just yourself again.
The you who didn’t or did live out her purpose. Steward her gifts. Keep on growing into the woman God wanted her to become.
So what’s YOUR purpose?
Do you know your dream?
Have you ever asked God what He meant you to do?
Are you living it right now?
Go ask these questions of yourself, and if the business you’re in right now is the answer, great. I’m here to help you.
Because I can’t think of anything more fulfilling than a mom living out her purpose in this world.
Don’t let distraction steal your dreams.
Go for them.