Has this ever happened to you? You’ve got the time in your calendar all blocked up, you’ve freed up your schedule, the kids are all out of the house…. And suddenly that next thing on your to-do list, the one that you couldn’t wait to sit down to when your family was home just isn’t appealing anymore.
What should you do now? Take the time off, push through, something else?
And what happens if you’ve already done something about it? What if you’ve already picked the “on second thought, don’t do anything” option? (And now your to-do list is ultra-crammed, because you really did need to get those launch emails written before today’s task of uploading and scheduling them.)
What should you do now?
One of my clients was recently in this situation, and you can generalize the principles I told her to make it work for you. Let’s dive in.
First, I want you to go back to why you felt so drawn to skip your pre-planned work. There was a reason, even if subconscious, why you did this – we just need to do a little digging to find out why.
Because no, it’s not that you had a random fit of insanity that day. Something else is going on.
Ask yourself: did I feel overtired and in need of time for myself? What was going on in my brain there? (No judgment zone.)
My guess is that once you explore this further, you’ll see why you suddenly couldn’t go through with your pre-planned to-do list – because something more important came up. It was either a mental block you need to work through, or you actually needed some personal vacation time, or something else. The “more important” thing just wasn’t what you expected it to be.
So see if that helps next time you can’t believe you didn’t follow through with your own tasks, and just follow where that digging leads you.