Look – delegation is crucial.
You can’t cook three meals from scratch, manage the kids, clean the house top to bottom, homeschool everybody, change all the diapers, AND get time to yourself for working out or talking to your friends without it.
It’s just too much as a homeschooler. Yet that’s what we think we’re supposed to do! (Stupid culture….)
Which is why I’m going to go against that culture.
I’m going to tell you to delegate as much as possible.
I’m going to tell you to take a 2-hour break every afternoon.
I’m going to tell you to know your essentials (what has to get done) and only do them.
Because this trap we’ve fallen into – this “you can do it all” and “you’re a great mom if you’re run ragged” messaging – is stealing our motherhoods from us.
It’s stealing our kids from us.
And it’s stealing our memories of it all – the good memories of this time – from us as well.
You don’t want to let that happen.
You want to remember motherhood, and not in an “I was so exhausted and sleep deprived” kind of way.
You want to actually have the mom counterpart to the family memories your kids are making.
Which means you have to stop doing it all. I’m serious. You can’t keep going like this.
You’re allowed to skip that part of #momlife.
No, you can’t water the garden, feed the pets, cook 3 meals and more, homeschool each and every child individually, clean the house, do library trips and Saturday museum outings, AND run a business and have time to spend with your husband.
Not and sleep.
So you have to make a choice.
Are you going to continue trying to do it all (and failing)? Trying to force yourself into that mold?
Or are you going to break that mold, shatter your expectations, and step out of them into something different.
Into a delegate-able life that’s filled with what you’re great at working with your kids on.
Need some specifics?
- Hate the food prepping? See if you can get your older kids involved – it’s food science! (That’s a subject, right?)
- What about cleaning? That’s the first one to offload to your kids, right away!
- Laundry? Same thing – here goes!
- What if it’s the math? Don’t I have to do that (even though I hate it?) Nope! Go get one of those online math programs that self-grades your kids. (Mommy math frustration = banished!)
But don’t I have to…. No. You don’t.
Get that out of your head. You’re allowed to skip that part of #momlife. Of homeschooling. Of housekeeping.
As long as you get someone else to do it, or realize that it was totally unnecessary in the first place, you’re fine. Truly.
What are you thinking you might, maybe, sort of like to get off your plate today? You had an idea that popped into your head earlier.
Yeah, that one. Go delegate it, right now, no if’s, and’s, or but’s about it.
You have to. It’s an experiment.
See what life is like without it (‘cause you may never want it back!).
All right then. There’s your homework. Go delegate that one thing that you’re not sure you’re allowed to – even if it’s making birthday cakes for your kids – and see how much happier you are without it.
Because you just ditched the “I have to do it all” expectation you’d put on yourself.
Shatter that mold, and start living outside it.
You can do it.