Are you willing to get it wrong to get it right?
That’s a quote from Amanda Weber. “Be willing to get it wrong to get it right.”
Do you know what this means for your #momlife – truly means?
That you have to propel yourself *outside* the box of perfectionism, and let yourself just iterate. Try something new. Try something once. Be willing to fail.
‘Cause that’s how you’ll succeed.
Let’s take your work schedule as an example. You know it’s heavy and crushing and not really (at all!) working right now.
But does that automatically mean you know what’s right? What’s the perfect right thing to do?
Maybe not. But you *do* know one thing you could do to iterate. One little tweak you could make to your schedule.
And that’s enough for now. That’s enough to get started on. That’s enough to propel you down the road to success.
‘Cause one thing’s for sure – staying where you are now, *acting* like you are now, ain’t gonna get you there. That’s certain.
Now, where you *are* going? That’s the realm of dreams come to reality. That’s the stuff of business 5-year goals and “what if” visions.
*That’s* where you’re going in life.
Where can you iterate the next little bit today?
But only if you let yourself – nay, force yourself – to break out of this self-contained, all-my-ideas-have-to-be-good-ones box and *truly* be *willing* to *fail*.
(It’s not really going to be failing, at the end of it. But that’s what it feels like to you.)
What do you need to do to *succeed*? Simple. Stop expecting perfectionism. Stop creating this monster in yourself. Stop holding yourself to that impossibly high, “all I ever produce is excellence” standard.”
‘Cause it’s not enough. That’s rigidity. And one day, it *won’t be enough*.
What you *really* need to succeed as an entrepreneur – as a mompreneur – is flexibility. Adaptation. “I can get there this way” thinking.
And that’s how you find yourself climbing to that peak of success. By trying – and failing – and coming up with new ways – down below.
But you’re here now, and it’s all worth it.
Isn’t it? If so, what can you future pace from this view today?
Where can you say “I might be wrong, but it’s worth a try” today?
Where can you iterate, just the next little bit, today?
Go for it. For that’s the path to your next summit. That’s what’s going to get you over the hill.
And this goal is worth it. Your *business mission* is worth it.
It’s time to iterate like your life depends on it, sister. ‘Cause your business one sure does.
Iterate, ditch perfection, and be happy. You’ll find joy on the road there – I guarantee it.