Have you ever had a task in your life that required a ton of organization before you could even set up and use the system for it?
Maybe it was the meal planning, or the book keeping, or just filing those pesky papers.
Whatever it was, you’d been trying to start a habit of looking up recipes, or categorizing transactions, or actually putting those papers away – but doing any of that requires you to already have categories & folders set up for yourself.
And most days, you just couldn’t muster up the extra energy to make that happen. Starting this new habit was going to be willpower-consuming enough.
One of my clients was in this same exact boat on our call last week, and here’s what I told her:
Don’t make two mountains for yourself to deal with when you’re trying to set up a new habit. (In here case, staying on top of her email inbox.) Just pay someone else to set up the new system for you, then you work on using it. That’s it. Don’t force (or guilt) yourself into dealing with all the tech to set up that system in the first place. That’s not your job here. Your job is to level up into becoming someone who responds within designated times to email. That’s it.
You’re allowed to pay someone to set up your Gmail filters for you. Don’t make yourself learn how to do all that when what I really want you to do is start the habit of weekly email processing.
That’s more than enough; that’s all your willpower can handle.
Get someone else to create the system for you, and then *you* learn how to use it. That’s enough.
Back to you now. Which area in your business (or life) do you need help like this? It could be a home organizer (or declutterer). It could be a bookkeeping service that clears up your books and sets things up for you to run with till next tax season. It could be someone who thinks recipes and cookbooks and scrapbooking your own family favorites is the most fun thing ever.
Whatever it is – and you know exactly what you need, right now – get help. Please? For your own sake?
You don’t have the sanity reserves to fight with QuickBooks all week AND take care of your kids.
But you don’t need to.
That’s what “hiring the system” was invented for – and it’s available for you, too.
Which area in your life needs someone else to set up the system for you? Let’s get that off your plate, like this afternoon. So you can go back to living your life the way God intended. Not struggling with filing or taxes or home organization.