You know what? You’re right!
People *don’t* understand you as an introvert mom. (Unless they’re introverts themselves, of course!)
We’re being judged by the wrong standard, everywhere we go – an extroverted standard.
You’re dealing with a world that wants you to be loud, aggressive, and fast. When what you really need is time to process, not spout off an idea off the top of your head. Right?
So no wonder you’re feeling off-kilter, unseen, and misunderstood!
But this is what I want to reframe for you today: now that you know that, everything gets to change.
You don’t have to live by their standards (the extroverts, I mean).
You can *choose* not to let their judgement get you (when they spout off another unfeeling comment).
You get to go your own way, in confidence, knowing you made the right choice and you’re keeping your own counsel.
You don’t have to live by their standards.
What weight drops off you when you hear this?
What expectation just fell by the wayside when you understood this?
That’s what I want for you. To be able to free yourself from the culture’s expectation of you (not to mention your home, your noisiness level, and your kids!), let it go without another thought, and be in that “don’t give a rip” state on everybody else’s opinions.
Because who says you have to enjoy noisy park dates with a bunch of small, shrieking children? (You’re allowed to invite only one other family to go with you.)
Do you really need to host a house party for all 5 of your kids’ friends’ families? (No. You can just host 2 kids at a time.)
Is it *required* to sign up for nursery volunteering at church because you have kids in Sunday school? (As long as you’re serving somewhere, it doesn’t have to be with more kids.)
You’re *allowed*. Allowed to be who you are, with that “can’t handle” noise level, and your own quirks and peculiarities.
It’s okay.
Because you’re exactly the way God made you, and He called it good.
Are you ready to live like you believe it?