Yes, it’s a thing – a neat and tidy house makes you feel more productive.
This is what one of my clients discovered for herself recently.
It’s like decluttering is the secret hack to get you into the productivity zone for your business! (Or any of your home chores, for that matter!)
Isn’t that crazy?
And yet, how convenient is that?
You’re able to supercharge your efficiency skills just by optimizing your home’s space efficiency. (That’s what decluttering is, after all!)
So next time you feel sluggish and out of the groove about your cleaning chores, try switching up your chore list and tackle some decluttering instead.
By the time you get back from filling the trash bin or that attic box, you’re going to feel like that surge of “do something” energy – without ever having to talk yourself into doing chores!
It’s like magic. It IS another form of decluttering magic, in fact, because it works.
(Ask any successful business woman on the internet, and she’ll probably tell you that *she* cleans her desk when she’s stuck on a work project, too!)
And don’t forget to apply this tidiness hack to your personal life, too.
If you want to get out of the gunk of a too-full day, an overloaded house, and unhelpful family members, go on a decluttering spree.
Because clear, tidy spaces will always help you relax and enjoy your podcast binge list more fully, as well as help you sit in gratitude for the day (instead of feeling that resentment against family members for the clutter).
So next time you need a productivity boost, try it. Try purging first.
It’ll rev you up for efficiency success.