If this sounds strange to you, let’s unpack it a little.
Productivity is a fancy word for what you’re putting on your to-do list.
Priorities are industry jargon for “the most important thing in your day.” (And yes, you’re allowed to have multiple of them.)
So the point is to align the nitty gritty tasks you’re writing on your to-do list (call the doctor, send a birthday gift, go get groceries) with your overarching must-do’s in life (build a close relationship with each of your kids, get your business to six figures, volunteer with the missionaries at your church, etcetera).
Okay. So how does this exactly work?
You make sure that you always have a to-do which reflects your purpose.
If you’re on the mission board at church, it’s safe to say you have something you need to look over or prep for or present to the group. That’s a to-do.
You also want to be a really great mom who’s close to your kids, so maybe you read them each a story and have snuggle time with each one before bed (teenagers can skip the story, haha).
So you put a “snuggle and story time” reminder on your daily schedule or planner every day, and check it off your list. There’s your to-do.
Oh, and you want to grow your business to six figures in revenue, which means at least nine thousand dollars a month.
So you’re definitely going to want to record some selling stories on Instagram or a new podcast clip-in for your latest offer, or maybe put the finishing touches on that sales page for your latest and greatest product.
That’s a to-do, too.
Give each day 1 to-do for each priority – that’s it.
See how easy this is? Just look for your top priorities in life – custom to this stage of your family or business – and write down the main goal you have for yourself.
Whether that’s touching base with your kids every night, making it to 6 figures (or even 7), or selling out that latest offer in the business (or recording the course or starting the podcast – it’s up to you!).
All you have to do is make sure that each day has a to-do that falls under each of these categories.
Just one, per day. That’s all.
All you have to do to ensure you’re going to be moving forward on what matters most to you.
All you have to do to ensure massive action. Just one thing a day.
So what are *your* top priorities going to be? (It may take a little journaling to figure them out – or you may already know them off the top of your head.)
And what’s the first to-do that comes to mind on each of them? Start plopping those little action steps in your daily planner or your to-do bank or your scheduler.
Then just make sure you cross them off each and every day when they pop up.
That’s all you have to do. You’ve got this.