You need to show up for your purpose, what God’s called you to.
I think we all agree on that.
And He’s the God of the practical, so let’s get really nitty gritty about your day.
- What are the roles He’s placed you in?
- How can you best accomplish them, minute-by-minute and hour-by-hour?
That kind of practical.
Planning is stewarding
There’s nothing unspiritual about planning how you’re going to manage your energy for the glory of God.
You’re stewarding your physical and mental resources so you can be the mom He’s called you to – the wife to that particular man – the CEO of that business.
Okay? Stewarding is essential.
As long as we’re open to God telling us we need to do something else with our day, I’d say it’s most honoring to Him to work based off the personality, traits, and inborn energy He’s gifted us.
Because He was the original creator, and He knew what He was doing.
So it’s time to stop fighting it.
There’s nothing unspiritual about stewarding your energy for the glory of God.
Proactively running your race
With that in mind, let’s look at your ideal daily schedule.
- When do you need the most energy to parent those kids?
- When have you carved out quiet time with the Lord?
- When are you going to refuel yourself physically so you can keep going through the day?
The Lord is pleased with all of that. He *wants* you to meet the day He’s given you with joy and strength to run its race.
Not sit there in despair and overwhelm, asking God to somehow zap you with the energy you need to get going.
(Save that for those days when your kids are all sick, the baby’s not sleeping well, and your husband is working extra hours – NOT your ordinary day.)
Scheduling with your energy in mind
So let’s have a little come to Jesus moment about how much we’re actually putting in our day.
- Is it more than any 2 moms could physically handle?
- Do you have a set of rambunctious twin boys who can’t be trusted on their own?
- Are there pets or farm chores that need significant time?
All of this is known by Him. All of this is part of His plan.
Which means it’s up to us to craft our days around the reality of what He’s given us, stop wishing we had something different, and get to work.
Because it’s all to the glory of God.
What would you change about tomorrow’s schedule, if you truly believed God cared about your day?