Does God care about your to-do list?
Is it more spiritual to just “see how He leads” for the day and not have a particular plan?
Do you *really* need to work off of a daily plan for your business tasks as a Christian business owner?
We’re diving into all this, and more, in today’s discussion on the role of task reminders in a Christian business.
Failure lets the enemy in
Okay, so here’s the thing. You can’t live under “failure, failure, failure” and not have the enemy come in. It’s just not Biblical.
So part of renewing your mind is going to be NOT working off a too-big-for-you to do list!
‘Cause God never calls you to live in permanent overwhelm. That’s not His best for you.
And a huge part of leaving frazzle land behind forever is giving yourself a bite-size amount per day.
Which is right where right-sizing your to do list comes in!
- What’s the energy level He’s given you in this season? (That’s okay, nursing babies are part of His plan too!)
- What are you working with as far as meal prep and mouths to feed?
Work all that in. Don’t expect more from yourself than He expects from you.
Got it?
God is the wisdom-bringer
Now, the 2nd thing we need to consider is that God gives us wisdom to direct our daily actions.
If you’re not convinced, go read Proverbs – it’s stuffed to the brim with “the wise do this” and “the wise do that” sayings.
So yes, pray over your plans, adjust for the Holy Spirit’s leading, flex with your family’s needs for the day….
But do know that there is nothing inherently wrong with planning. As long as we do it in a God-honoring, “You could step in at any moment and change it” kind of way.
See James 4:13-16 for an example of the only kind of planning God is NOT pleased by.
Don’t expect more from yourself than He expects from you.
Let in Holy Spirit leading
So often we get the idea that God is only honored by our actions if we wait on Him for the go ahead before every single thing we do.
But that’s just not true.
I don’t know about you, but are you having a prayer meeting every night before dinner, asking God what to make today and whether you should be the one cooking?
I don’t think so. I think you’re working off His mandate that a good parent takes care of her children, and doing it. Feeding them.
Now, if God told you to go ahead and cook supper, but give it all to a homeless man, you’d do it, right? But you’re not paralyzed into inaction every night of the week, going hungry, because you insist upon hearing directly from God about every little thing in your day.
You’re being interruptible, and that’s what God wants.
To be able to redirect us for His glory if He happens to have another path for us that day.
Otherwise, we’re supposed to be wise stewards and caretakers of our time. Our families. Our businesses.
Because they’re all a part of our mission. And He’s all about the mission.
How are you going to bring God into your to-do list today?