Sometimes your productivity is on point.
Sometimes you don’t really need any time management help.
Sometimes the problem is, you don’t want to do whatever’s on your to-do list.
And that’s a whole ‘nother beast altogether.
The to do doldrums
What to do when you’ve streamlined your tasks, know the essentials, and just DON’T WANT to do them?
Here’s a life minimalism reframe for you, courtesy of Allie Casazza, that’ll shed some light on this.
“If __ isn’t what lights you up, keep things simple.” ~Allie Casazza
All right – you know what you need to do.
What’s expected of you? What do you actually hate? (That most people think you love?)
Admit you hate it
It can be sprinkles on sugar cookies, intricately braiding your cute little girl’s hair, maybe getting that meal just right and savoring every bite.
What doesn’t matter to you?
- Cooking everything yourself
- Gourmet taste
- Hairstyle variety
- Just the right outfit on picture day (or at church)
- Baking with your kids
- Reading aloud to them
- Jumping in puddles with your son
- Staring at bugs on the window sill with him
You get the picture.
And yes, you’re allowed to STOP doing things. That’s half the point of customizing #momlife – you have to delete something. And if you need some help with that, I’ll walk you through my personalized what-to-delete system over in #Momlife Made Easy. Because you deserve a day – a life – that’s full of things you WANT to do, not things you’re forced to do.
What’s expected of you? (You don’t have to do it.)
Major on what you like as a mother
Start making a list of what you DO like. What DOES light you up.
Then craft your life around that.
- Fairy lights in the kitchen after supper? Turn ‘em on.
- Letting your kids bake on their own, while you clean up the mess? Have at it.
- Grabbing your favorite go-to’s at the grocery store to save time for homework help? Do it.
- Turning on that audio book to save your voice for mom reminders? Smart thinking!
- Skipping the sprinkles in favor of frosting designs? You cut the mess and kept the creativity!
Rethink your mom life. Start doing what YOU love, not what the mommy magazines think you should.
Because it’s YOUR life.
Get some scratch paper and go make a list, right now.
- What are you NOT going to do anymore?
- What are you going to never scold yourself for not doing?
- And what are you going to do, and congratulate yourself for, that’s your particular mommy hack?
Use it.
Use the way you’re designed, the personality you have, and the gifts and abilities you’ve been given.
That’s what God wanted from you when He put you in charge of this household. Gave you these kids.
Because He wanted THEM to grow up with YOU.
Think about that for a minute. Let it truly sink in.
And then go remove some “should do’s” from your list of “what I need to do as a mom.”
He’s not calling you to be all the perfect moms rolled into one.
He’s calling you to be the mother you already are.
Embrace it, and start enjoying the family you have now.
You’re the only mother they’ll ever have – Lord willing – and it’s time to lean in.
Lean into your quirks, your loves, and your hates – and start designing your parenting package around THAT.
What are you going to do, just for fun, with your kids tonight?
What are you never going to make yourself do with them again? (Whether that’s glitter, or braiding the girls’ hair!)
Release the guilt-laden expectations, embrace your inner reality, and just go for it.
Your kids are going to love it.