Are you a homeschool mom who’s good with the grade levels you’re dealing with now, but you know high school’s coming up and it’s worrying you?
In this podcast interview with Little by Little Homeschool, I’m chatting with Leigh about making homeschool a lifestyle (not a temporary thing), challenges we may face when raising kids in such a counter-cultural way, curriculum specifics, and more.
Read on for a sneak peek of our conversation below!
So, in your opinion, what makes homeschooling a lifestyle?
Have you run into any particular challenges or joys when raising children to be different than the culture around you?
I’m really curious to hear your thoughts on homeschooling high school: how to plan the high school years, gap years, entrepreneurship, etc.
I’d love to get some specifics from you in the area of choosing curriculum. What suggestions do you have for us?
Tune in to hear our discussion on all of the above, plus more!
Find more from Leigh here!