Curious how I genuinely don’t feel rushed with so many kids?
I’ll let you in on a secret: I give myself plenty of recharge time during the day.
I’m not slaving away sun-up to sundown with nary a break in between – nope, not for me! (Also, I’d start snapping at people pretty fast, and I like to think I’m pretty nice. So, I try not to put myself in that situation!)
How much recharge time? Since I don’t have babies, I can get up before the kids in the morning. There’s an hour. And don’t forget about naptime – that’s two hours, right there!
See? Three hours a day, five days a week, with five kids. Done.
And this introverted mom is happy.
How can you rearrange your schedule to take naptime completely for yourself?
Because I used to think that “alone time” meant total quiet, by yourself, preferably as the only person in the house. (Or dorm room. See where that came from?)
With kids?
Yeah, not so much. Think….
- alone IN a specific room
- not keeping close tabs on the kids’ noise levels (either they’re being reasonably quiet, or it’s your husband’s turn to play “parent on call”)
- having earbuds in while one of your kids quietly draws on the other sofa
The biggest mom shift? Semi-quiet + not being the parent in charge = me time.
And that’s good enough.
Stop thinking that everything has to be *perfect* before you can fully relax, and just take that break.
God knows you need it – YOU know you need it – and I do, too.
Where can you release the “it has to be perfect” quiet time expectations for yourself, today?