No, really – how much longer are you going to wait before getting help with the chores?
I’m serious. Do you have a 5-year plan? A 1-year plan? A “just as soon as I’m post-partum cleared with this baby” plan?
‘Cause I sure don’t hear any delegating going on over there!
And if I let you, you’re going to wiggle right out of letting anybody help you with the chores, and go straight back to doing them all on your own.
Not going to happen. Not on my watch, that is.
What do we have to do to get you to realize that you need some help? What’s holding you back from this “some moms get to delegate, and I get to, too” reality?
On second thought, let’s take the journaling tack for this. Because you’re getting all defensive right now, when what you really need is to take a look under the surface. No judgement.
So let’s try it this way….
- What do you feel like you have to do first before you’re allowed to delegate anything?
- Why don’t you think you’ve fulfilled that yet?
- What’s the next block that comes up? The next “oh, but my kids aren’t ready because…” thought that just zipped through your brain?
- Why haven’t you taken steps to make them ready?
- What are you afraid of if you turn into the mom who delegates almost all her chores? What does that say about you?
These fears are the root of why you haven’t chosen to get help yet. Why you aren’t letting anyone share the load yet.
How much longer are you going to wait before getting help with the chores?
But once you work through them, good news ahead – the chore delegation issue just takes care of itself. It’s no longer a big “thing” anymore.
It’s just a tactic moms use when they need to make more time. And now it’s available for you.
No emotions, no fears, no fusses – just simple, “do I need help here? Yes or no” kind of thinking.
After you work through the ugly stuff.
The worry stuff.
The “I’m afraid of’ stuff.
All the stuff.
So if you really want to be free from this “I can’t ask anyone to help me with the house cleaning” message playing over and over in your brain, just walk yourself through these journaling prompts.
They will set you free.
And then you can choose what’s the right level of support, which chores needs outsourcing, and how much time you get back – all without the mental drama.
Because you just wiped it all away. Brought it all into the light, and set it free.
So if you’re ready, it’s time. Time to do this. Time to be set free.
Time to walk the next leg of the journey God has you on – the delegation one.
You’re ready.