Why is it so difficult to be a mom when you’re an introvert?
Is it something beyond the usual “chasing kids all day” tiredness, something that drills deep into our psyche? Or is it just our imagination?
Today’s let’s break down what’s different about introverted parenting, why you need to know that difference, and how to de-stress your experience of introverted #momlife.
Because no, it’s not all in your head.
Kid noise
Extrovert mom says: “Kids are loud, but they’re fun. There’s always something happening around here!”
Introvert mom says: “Can no one give me just straight-up silence? It’s like they’re constant energizer bunnies!”
You know who you are – if you’re in the “kids are loud & crazy” camp and loving it, you don’t need to be here!
This is a space for introverted moms who need solutions. We’re tired of the noise. Longing for quiet.
And just wishing *somebody* would give us permission to be ourselves.
(As in, hushing every single family member during naptime – our excuse is “don’t wake up the baby,” but the reality is we can’t take any more noise.)
We wish *somebody* would give us permission to be ourselves.
Friend time
Extrovert mom says: “I have got to get more time with my friends! I need some grown-up conversation, ya know?”
Introvert mom says: “A coffee date sounds nice, buuut… that takes energy. I’m zapped. See you next time year!”
Know what you need? (And it’s not more friend time!)
It’s to get your energy reserves filled up.
And while that sometimes happens when you’re on a coffee date, it’s *guaranteed* to happen if you get 5 minutes 50 minutes peace.
So while we need to vent about #momlife, hear those “you, too?” remarks, and revel in that grown-up conversation from time to time….
What’s really going to fill us up is quiet.
Pure, simple quiet.
(Don’t believe me? Imagine booting everyone out of the house and having it all to yourself. For two hours. Ahhh, silence.)
Going out
Extrovert mom says: “I’ve got to get out of the house every day to keep me sane. What’s your favorite spot to take the kids?”
Introvert mom says: “Ugh, do I really have to drag all the kids out *again*? Can’t I just stay home from library story time, this once?”
You know what? It’s perfectly okay to hate the “normal” extracurriculars & outings everyone expects us to take the kids to!
You’re allowed to *not* like story time, or taking your kids to the pool, or park outings.
Own up to who you are – likes, dislikes, and “I can barely grit my teeth to get through this” included – and start crafting a #momlife that *doesn’t* include your hates.
(Pro tip: Find another family member/close friend whose idea of a great time includes pool trips! They can take your kids with theirs, you get a quiet house, and everyone’s happy.)
So, what should you do about your kids’ lack of volume switch… the coffee dates that require dressing up and leaving the laundry… or your hidden hate of story time?
Guess what: you get to decide to be different.
To choose to value yourself and your God-given personality.
Because no one else can do that for you.
What are you changing about your life today?