You’re in for a treat today, because this is actually a live coaching call!
Renee is a school guidance counselor who’s so good at what she does, she decided to make a course so any parent not in her school district could know how to ease their teenager through the college application process!
On this call we’re going to map out a plan for her to prioritize her entrepreneur to-do list, maximize her few precious hours a day, and eliminate wheel-spinning decision fatigue.
Here’s what Renee’s dealing with:
- She has only a few hours at a stretch to work
- It feels like she’s losing the traction she gained the previous day
- She doesn’t feel like she’s being effective in this side business (she has a full-time job in the school system in addition)
- She’s spending 30 or more minutes of each work block deciding what to do, which frustrates her
Tune in to hear Renee get coaching on prioritization strategies and how to move forward efficiently in your business as a mom!