Ever wondered exactly what I’d have you tweak in your day if you were my client?
Well, you’re in luck, because if you’re a mom of preteens who just switched classes (and now you need to overhaul your schedule!), that’s the topic of today’s episode!
Here’s how to work through the “I had such a nice schedule all set up and now I’ve got to change everything again!” blues.
First up, we need to delete everything that’s currently on your calendar and reset all your kids’ appointments.
Online classes, tech time for online math lessons, online reading practice, community college courses, whatever it is.
Set these new points in your calendar first, ‘cause they’re the bedrock of what your new semester’s going to be built around.
Next, let’s look at your errands. When are you doing the grocery shopping, the facetiming with family, the library trips?
Skip what you used to do, or what worked last summer. Just look at the holes (aka light days) in your kids’ current schedule.
Which days look pretty open right now?
Even if that sounds so weird to do groceries on Fridays, or library trips on Mondays, go with what your schedule allows.
(No piling 2 errands and 2 Zoom classes all on the same day!)
Finally, I want you to completely let go of how things used to be last year – but give yourself grace for that mourning to take a while.
I know you loved your grocery schedule last semester.
I know the kids couldn’t wait to see grandma every Tuesday.
I know upending your entire routine is hard.
But classes change, and so do your rhythms. You get to make a *new* one for your family this school year.
So give yourself as much time as you need – even if that’s three or four months – before you get used to (and actually even like!) your new weekly schedule.
It’s going to be worth it.