If you’ve started to make over your household the way I share, I bet that sometimes you’re hiding how good your life is from your mom friends or relatives.
Why? Because you’re not comfortable living there yourself!
It takes a lot of mental re-adjustment to even *entertain* the idea of passing chores off to the kids, freeing yourself up for other things (wasn’t this what a mom’s role was supposed to be?), and shushing the mom guilt every time it rears its ugly head.
(‘Cause trust me, it will, at least until you get solid and settled in “mommy not doing all the work” being your new state of affairs!)
So, what this sometimes leads to is you feeling guilty talking about what your kids do for chores (when anyone comments on how overwhelmed you must be feeling or jokes about what your to-do list looks like).
That feeling of guilt or shame about “how good you have it” or an unwillingness to share stems from these three things.
- You feel embarrassed to share how little you actually do around the house
- You’re worried that people will think you’re overworking your kids
- You’re afraid of other moms’ judgement
Mostly that last one.
Because it’s really other people’s negative opinions on your parenting choices that you’re afraid of.
You don’t want to hear “oh, I would never do that.” “Must be nice” (code for “I want that, and you have it, so I hate you). Or “Boy, I wouldn’t want to be your kid.”
Why are you letting other people dictate how you run your family?
But you know what?
You’re letting them have the power.
Control the narrative.
Decide your parenting.
And for what? So you can say, “I have never offended anybody in my whole life ever again?”
That’s a stupid reason for choosing something.
You go with your *gut*.
You parent according to *convictions*.
And you don’t deviate from them just because someone else makes different choices.
She’s allowed to; that’s her right.
Same as it is yours to follow the path God gave you without swerving.
How are you giving “public opinion” sway over your parenting?
Where are you letting other people dictate how you run your family?
Where are you giving more weight to *their* opinions than what God told you to do?
Stop that, and get back on course.
The future of your kids depends on it.