So. You’re a mom, with a life, and kids, and a business – oh, and don’t forget about the house cleaning! How do you stay on top of everything, aka, get it all done?!
I’m about to let you in on the secret….
First, you need to get realistic about how much time your kids need from you each day. And by each day, I’m talking each morning (getting up/diaper changes/the works), before school (sending them out the door, fully packed, or prepping all the homeschooling stuff), during the afternoon/lunch time (for any kids who are still at home – or everyone, if you’re homeschooling!), plus don’t forget about the evening.
And supper prep. And dishes.
Getting the picture yet? We have to be realistic about how much of our day, as moms, is actually taken up by the mundane feeding/wiping/cleaning/cooking stuff.
Okay. Now that you’ve got your head around that, we also need to look at where you’ve got the energy to do something for your business.
Because it won’t do a bit of good for you to pinpoint a 3-hour time block from 7 to 10pm every weekday if you’re too frazzled to use it! (And for the record, I’d be shot by then, too.)
What are you avoiding doing that you know you need to?
So when *are* your brain energy times? Which ones do the kids already have? What times can you work on the backend admin stuff (that’s still business) that *doesn’t* require you to be in top form?
Just jot down some ideas of when these might be for you – you’ll find out pretty quickly when you start living it.
Lastly, it’s crucial that you have your workday pre-planned, so that you know exactly what to do the moment you crack open that laptop.
I know, I know… you’ve heard that advice ten thousand times before.
But are you actually doing it?
Really, now. Let’s be honest. Just because you *know* something doesn’t mean you’re always *doing* it.
What’s the honesty check saying? That you follow through with every bit of advice and knowledge you get?
Or that you’re suffering from a major case of “I know that already” itis?
See yourself, see the pattern, and change. ‘Cause that’s always the way forward.
What are you avoiding doing – that you *know* you need to – today?