Do you freeze like a deer in the headlights every time you hear someone mention “planning” and “business” in the same sentence?
Or are you in the other camp: you love planning, but you’re not sure you’re doing it in quite the right way for a business? (It’s your home life that you’ve gotten down to a science!)
We need to talk about the role that planning plays in your business – and how to do it the most easy, unbusy way. (Of course!)
And don’t worry, I’m not going to force you into one super-planner mold, or dictate which method of planning every work-at-home moms has to use.
That’s not the point. I’m going to give you several ideas here.
The point is, what kind of mental prep work – forethought – works best for you?
We dive into this in great detail over in #Momlife Made Easy, ‘cause I know every mom’s brain works differently. But guess what? That means certain planning principles work across the board, and all you have to do is adapt them to your unique personality!
I have tips, tricks, and 14 years of experience mom hacks all waiting for you, so don’t wait any longer to take the hassle out of your planning process.
Here are all the different ways to plan
Here are a few different planning ideas to play around with to get you started.
First, there’s the “plan every night before you go to bed” method.
Then, there’s the “plan the next 3 days” method.
Next comes good old weekly planning, and after that there’s something longer like the “every 2 weeks” method or every month.
Finally, there’s planning by quarter (‘cause I don’t think it makes much sense for us to plan farther out than that, at least in a detailed way!)
It’s absolutely crucial to pre-plan your day as a business owning mom.
Now, it’s time to choose
What I want you to do here is pretty simple: pick one planning method that suits your style, or at least appeals to you more than the others, and stick with it for a month. See how it goes.
Make a few notes on the process (you know, what worked and what didn’t). Then promise me you’ll eval when it all ends and decide what you should do next – NOT throw it all out the window.
‘Cause I’m perfectly willing to admit that that might not have been the best planning strategy for *you* – but you DO need some sort of planning process.
Okay? So either tweak what you did that month to make it just right for you, or pick the next most interesting planning method on the list to you – as long as you’re choosing something.
Because as business owners who are also moms, the one thing I can tell you is that it’s absolutely crucial to pre-plan your day.
How you do that, is up to you – but doing it is non-negotiable.
What you need to do next
So. Down to brass tacks, here.
- Have you been using a planning process in your business? (It’s okay if the answer is no.)
- If yes, which one? Is it working for you?
- And if not, which method are you committing to try next – the daily, every 3 days, weekly, monthly, or quarterly?
Get it on the calendar – in your planner – and start.
That’s all you have to do.
I know you’ve got this.
You’re a mom with a business, and that already tells me you’re good at juggling things. So all we’re going to do is help you juggle better. (Aka, easier.)
What’s changing about your business planning today?