What do you think would be on your task list if you could start from the ground up? Like, what do you feel like doing today? (That’s productive and furthering your purpose and all that.)
What if you released all timelines around the must do’s currently on your to-do list? How would you move through them then?
If you released all expectations of what being a go-getter looked like, what would *you* want from your day (meaning, your work hours) as a business-owner mom?
These are the kind of questions I want you to ask yourself as you begin to reshape your life. As you begin to walk unbusy.
Because if you never ask yourself if there could be another way, you’ll never find one – and that’s the true tragedy.
Now, go grab that to-do list and run your eyes over the rest of this week (maybe even into next).
- What’s on there that, if given your druthers, you’d move off? Mark that one.
- What’s on there that you really do think is important? Star those ones.
- What’s on there, but your gut says it doesn’t need to happen this month – it’d be okay to wait till next? Put a circle around those ones. (Not everything is a “do now”!)
Okay now, what’s left? That’s what I want you to look at.
This is where you need to let go of those overachiever tendencies.
Ask yourself what you need to do to release your overachieving expectations.
See, your overachieving self says all right, I’m skipping those ones and delaying these ones and definitely doing these other ones – but that’s not enough, so I’m also going to do all my leftover ones – whether I want to or not.
Just because I have to prove something.
- I have to *prove* I’m productive enough.
- I have to *prove* I’m disciplined enough.
- I have to *prove* I’m not lazy – enough.
But do you really? Couldn’t you just live life at the speed that works for you, and not worry what anyone else thinks?
Does it really matter if “they” disapprove of your 3-item to-do list?
I’d say it doesn’t. But what *really* matters here is what *you* say about it. If *you* can give yourself the permission to let go, stop achieving, and start living at the right pace for you.
Can you do that?
For me, for yourself, for your kids? (They don’t deserve a frazzled mommy, do they?) For the sake of all the women you hope to meet and the lives you hope to change in the future?
(‘Cause change doesn’t tend to come from frazzled gurus. Amazing, right?)
Really sit with this theme of overachieving, and ask yourself this week what you’d need to do to release your overachieving expectations.
Ask it every day, of every item on your to-do list.
‘Cause that’s what will set you free.
You’ve got this.