What core values do you have about your #momlife? What are you believing to be true about that state, under the surface?
Here’s one that I invite you to consider….
I believe that decluttering your life and releasing the pressure makes everything easier. Period.
(So much so, that I built my entire business around showing other mothers how to do that!)
What would this look like for you?
- What would your family life be like, hour by hour, if you consciously chose to make things easier?
- What would happen to your business to-do list if you filtered everything through that lens?
- To your homeschool?
This is a super powerful question that you can come back to again and again on your mental decluttering journey, and I want you to sit with that (maybe for the first time!) today.
Hit pause, rewind, and jot down those questions.
Really sit with them and let yourself get honest about your initial answers. (So often those are the correct ones!)
What do you REALLY believe about motherhood?
About how full your calendar should be?
About how many things you should be doing with your kids?
About what family dinners are supposed to be like?
Do you hear how many “shoulds” and “supposed to’s” are in there?
Those are all your external beliefs. The “I can’t be a good mom if I don’t live this way” identities you’ve taken on over the years.
Those are what you need to declutter.
Or at the very least, bring out into the open for the first time.
So this is your homework assignment for today: I want you to write down those journal prompts, process them out loud or on paper, and sit with those uncovered beliefs you just realized you hold about yourself.
Then ask God whether they’re true or not.
This is going to be a super powerful exercise for you, and I can’t wait for you to get started.