Are you tired of the relentless focus on habits by the self-improvement crowd?
“If you only build a habit for this, you’ll hit your goals in no time.” “Habit formation is the key to success.”
All that stuff.
Well, I’ve got a twist for you: how about you leverage the power of habits to free up your brain?
(Because habits do work – I think we all agree on that. It’s starting them – and keeping them – that’s the trouble.)
Here’s how it goes.
(But first, a little story.)
Last time you went to the dentist, she told you to floss more often. You nodded, agreed that you should, and went home. Maybe you even flossed that night.
But a week later, you’re getting tired of always having to haul out the floss. It’s faster not to…. It’s just this once….
And a whole bunch of just this once’s later, you’re back at the dentist again, bleeding when the hygienist flosses your teeth.
No improvement.
This is where habits come in. Instead of the nightly guilt, justification, and excuses, set up a flossing habit.
You don’t waste time arguing with yourself whether or not tonight you’ll floss. You just do it.
Pretty soon, your body is moving on autopilot. If you don’t automatically reach for the floss before you leave the bathroom, it feels like there’s something off about your routine – something undone.
Because there is! You haven’t flossed yet.
And that, my friend, is the power of habits. It’s not about superpowered discipline; rather, it’s about doing the things you know you should, all without thinking about them.
Habits are like wearing a rut on the good side of the road.
See, people think I’m really good at habits. In reality, I’m really good at deciding what habits don’t serve me, and ditching them.
Because a life you love is built on habits – mental routines – that support your likes and avoid your dislikes, not about forcing yourself to do a bunch of trendy productivity-focused things.
So if you need help determining the schedule that’s right for you (plus the habits that go along with it), I’m right here on the other side of the computer in #Momlife Made Easy.
You get daily access to me to ask ALL those productivity questions, habit hacks or otherwise, that have been churning around in your brain.
And we’re going to build you a daily routine that flows so smoothly, you can’t even believe you get to live this way.
Because you’ve built a routine, and we are creatures of routine. We like ruts, habits, patterns. So build a good rut, and you’ll get the success you want!
Remember: it’s not self-discipline. It’s creating a pattern.
Forging a routine. Wearing a rut on the good side of the road.
What’s your next rut going to be?