Want to live the perfect morning routine?
Actually, I’m not sure I do…. That’s a lot of pressure!
In that case, how about a real mom’s morning with five busy kids? (Aka, mine.)
‘Cause sometimes I think we put way too much pressure on ourselves to have this wonderful, perfect, social-media-ready morning routine when we actually DO have one – it’s just not that pretty.
Let’s quit pretty-ifying what already works for us, and just do it.
A peek inside my morning routine
And in that spirit, here’s how my morning currently goes with five kids ages preschool to high school.
How my mornings go:
- 5:30am: Husband’s alarm goes off
- 6:00am: Grudgingly get out of bed
- 6:15am: Out to the living room for a glass of water, stretches, and Bible reading
- 6:30am: Start writing
- 7:45am: Kids start coming out
- 8:30am: Switch to cooking/cleaning/homeschool tasks
See? It’s not perfect – nobody’s is – but it’s a morning routine that works for me.
For this season, right now.
(You better believe I’m sleeping in if my husband ever stops working from home!)
And if you need help deciding what’s enough in your season, or even setting up a morning routine in the first place, come join me in #Momlife Made Easy – we spend two whole modules on getting your best-ever schedule set up, just how you like it, so that your day supports YOU. ‘Cause I know that you’re going to have very different needs if you’re getting woken up at night vs. if you’re getting a good night’s sleep.
What’s good enough for now about your mornings?
Let it be good enough, not perfect
What’s “good enough for now” about your mornings?
Give yourself the space to be routinely over-tired after two kids woke you up (and it’s become a habit). Let the “bounce out of bed at 5am” expectations go.
You’re not there. Another year, another season, and you will be – but that’s not here and not now.
So you don’t need to worry about it.
Just focus on getting through today, this morning, the best way possible – i.e., whatever supports you (and your sleepy, tired eyes) most.
Release the pressure of the ideal
Where do you need to release the pressure about your morning routine? Where can you give yourself grace in this season?
Set an intention of doing one thing for yourself – whether that’s getting dressed, prioritizing coffee, or reading your Bible – and letting the rest go for now.
You can add them when you need them. (And you’ll know when that is.)
What’s your non-glorified morning routine going to be when you wake up tomorrow?