Let’s do a little poll here: who prefers full living, and who likes the idea of slow better?
See, there’s this debate going on in the minimalism field. Some people are totally into the simplicity of not having much on their schedule, while others just want the freedom to put what they want on their calendar – however much or little that is.
So which side do you fall on? Keep your answer handy as you read below.
Full leaves no space for margin
Here’s what I think. If your life is full to the brim with all sorts of good stuff, it’s still full to the brim.
You don’t have room to readjust to sick kids, teething toddlers, or accidents on the highway. There’s no space in your calendar, mindset, or expectations for curve balls.
Which as a mom, you need that breathing room, right? You’ve got to have margin for the unexpected. ‘Cause it’s always going to pop up.
So you’ve got to design your life – schedule your calendar – on purpose to not be filled to the brim (even if you really like all those activities), because life with littles doesn’t run according to your perfect plan for the day.
Bottom line: If you’re like me, you’re tired of hearing all this “I’ve got a full life, but it’s good” nonsense. Come on – full is still busy!
Slow is what you define it
Now, I’m not saying you have to live s-l-o-w.
You’re not moving through your day at the speed of a snail, chewing each mouthful twenty times, and taking the most amount of time to do the least amount of work. Not at all.
What I am saying is, redefine slow. What does slow, easy, or light living mean to you?
Here are some examples:
- Ease
- Lightness
- That “I’ve got all the time in the world” feeling
- Not having to rush between activities
- The freedom to cancel outings whenever I feel like it
- Or open space to add outings whenever I want to
Got your term of choice? Great. Keep that in mind as you lay out your days and weeks.
And now you’re ready for the next step. Which is….
Enjoy the rewards
Stop apologizing for the ease. I mean it!
Don’t feel embarrassed when you’re the only one at moms’ group talking about a delightful afternoon crafting (by yourself!), answering the ubiquitous “How was your week? Busy?” with “No, not really,” or commenting on how much you’re enjoying life these days despite having an infant/a kid in the terrible twos/a teenager.
It’s the truth, and you’re a truth speaker. (Right?)
You’re allowed.
- You’re allowed to tell others how much you’re enjoying your hobby.
- You’re allowed to enjoy #momlife, not hate it.
- You’re allowed to call others up higher, not hide your reality to commiserate with them.
So which vision of life best fits your needs? Is most likely to remind you of your simple living goals?
I’m going to pick “slow,” not full. What about you?
And here’s today’s action step: What do you need to add to or delete from your calendar so that it matches your definition of slow living?