Here’s what I’m talking about.
You’ve got your schedule decluttered. Calendar minimized. Kids’ toys decluttered. (At least halfway!) The meal prepping simplified. A shorter to-do list.
But you’re wondering why you don’t feel an instant sense of peace. (That happens for some people; but if this isn’t you, here’s why.)
You still need to change your “inward pace” (a quote I heard from Desirae at Minimal-ish) to be truly unbusy.
Because your brain is still attacking your day, hammering those calendar obligations, going at your chores and to-do list, as if they’re something you have to get through in minimum time.
At full speed. By 9am.
It’s not letting you have the space to slow your life down and meet things as they come. Your internal dialogue is all “go, go, go” and “am I late?” or “got to do this right.”
And that’s not going to help you create a sense of calm inner peace, is it?
Here’s what that *does* look like.
- It looks like a 2-item to-do list for the morning, another 2 things around lunch, and nothing else till supper (so you can actually enjoy the hours in between).
- It feels like ruffling your kids’ hair as they come out, one by one, in the morning and giving them a hug (because you aren’t too busy with your lunch prepping).
- It tastes like savoring your morning coffee instead of gulping it down as fast as it won’t burn you.
- It sounds like playing some music for your kids to dance to because you can take the cheerful noise for half an hour before lunch.
It feels like freedom. Because it is.
Freedom from all those inner expectations. Freedom from the rush-rush pressure. Freedom from that mental clock.
Today, I want you to give yourself the gift of freedom from all that inner busyness you’ve been holding onto. To truly relax into that inner life at an unbusy pace.
Because that’s what’s going to make the final difference to you.