So this client came to me in the interesting situation of working full-time at a job she disliked, which in turn left her with little energy for her own business that she was starting. (Plus all the parenting and house upkeep tasks that every mom has to deal with!)
She felt like she should be thankful for her full-time job because of its financial provision – it wasn’t like she was struggling to eat around there – but she was really resenting the fact that she just couldn’t muster up enough energy, interest, and ambition for her *own* business.
The one she *really* wanted to do.
The purpose she felt God had put on her life.
The result? Guilt, shame, frustration, and a business put on hold.
Which is where I came in.
She wanted help with her business motivation and anxiety; I took a different tack in my judgment as coach.
Because first we have to release the anxiety that’s called simply existing in your season of life and accepting that everything’s a choice.
So my response: Hey, if you’re busy with your daughters’ school job, that very understandably takes up pretty much all your time. Aka, you’ve got to stop beating yourself up for your business.
Its growth *is* going to be slowed. There’s no two ways around it.
But if you *really* need the money, and you really feel like God has provided you this job, then let’s cut the guilt, shoot for a 5-hour-a-week business plan, and let that be enough in this season.
How does that feel to you – relief? Or more frustration that you can’t actually do what you want (go all in building the business God’s called you to)?
If you’re *still* feeling the frustration of “but I don’t like my life choices,” let me remind you that your job is still, actually, a choice.
You can *choose* to do without its income.
You can *choose* to face the pressure of bosses and coworkers who need you.
You can *choose* to find another way or a part-time position to make up the hours.
You can choose all these things; you are not a victim to circumstances.
So what do you actually want? Do you feel stuck in a “have to” do it situation for the money for that many hours, being full-time?
Or do you just need a little money to tide you over till your coaching-and-course business is up and running?
There’s always a choice. You decide. Yes, it comes with drawbacks and tradeoffs – but *you* decide.
That’s what God has allowed you to do.
So sit with this, and see which option feels better to you – quitting the job that’s sucking all your time and energy, and finding some other way to make up your minimum income, or releasing your business expectations for the moment and purposely cutting *those* hours while you focus on bringing in a full-time income at your day job.
It’s up to you. Sit with God, and your emotions, and He’ll tell you.
You’ve got this.