All right. You got up today and started through the motions, same as always.
But at some point, you stopped to think.
Is this all there is?
Is this ever changing?
Am I always going to have to slog through (the breakfast rush, school drop-off, night wake-ups) like this?
The answer? Nope. You aren’t.
What if we could time warp your life, for real? What if you could pull that super-productive, always does the right thing version of you into your present?
What’s future you enjoying, that you aren’t?
If that sounds great, or more like amazing, but you have no idea how to get started, these prompts will help you:
- What can you do today, just one tiny thing, to set yourself up for that future?
- How are you living when you’re filled up, fully rested, and centered in your purpose?
- What’s *that* girl doing with her time?
Pick one thing about her and pull it forward to right now.
That’s right – use the power of time-warp to put something good in your life!
What’s future you enjoying that you aren’t right now?
Steal it with your warp power and start doing it, too. (She won’t mind.) I guarantee it.
She just wants to see you succeed in your right-now #momlife.