If you’re deep in busy season right now, and you feel the need to change *something* about your way-too-stuffed calendar, here’s the cheat sheet on how to survive (and thrive!) in busy season.
First, take a look at what you can realistically do.
Do you need to announce a 10-meal (or a 5-meal!) rotation, no food blogs or Pinterest recipes, and Instapot every night? Then go for it! You’re feeding your family.
Would it serve you better to quit your committee, church group, or one of the kids’ activities for one semester? Go right ahead! Your sanity is more important than having an unbroken participation record, you know.
Second, write out what’s truly bothering you. Just a quick thing, looking for 1-3 annoyance points in your day (or week). Find out the REAL cause of your overwhelm and resentment instead of blaming a generic busy schedule.
Now. Once you’ve got those handful of truly-causing-a-problem things, here’s when you get to brainstorm and make your life better.
Commit to a no-guilt motherhood.
What could you do about those few things as a temporary solution in this season? Scribble a few alternates, and commit to picking 1 to try.
And then most importantly, I want you to commit to a no-guilt motherhood attitude while you’re doing it.
- Not enough time to bake a birthday cake? You still gave your kid a party with dessert. Parenting accomplished.
- No voice to read to your child? Put on an audiobook and snuggle with him on the couch.
You do what you have to to fill your bucket, replenish YOUR energy stores, and keep going the next day.
That’s way more important than checking off every single bullet point under “how to be the perfect mom.” Okay?
Which of these hacks do you need to implement *first* to get control of *your* busy season? Is it the meal planning, those small daily annoyances, or ditching the mom guilt?
Pick one – even if you need all three – to start with tomorrow. You can add the rest next week.
You’ve got this.