So, let’s cut to the chase: if I had a TEDx talk, it would be this:
You are allowed to simplify your #momlife.
End of story.
Stop right there, and let’s journal on this.
- Are you letting yourself simplify?
- Giving yourself permission to ditch things on your calendar?
- To quit on your too-high expectations?
Because if you aren’t, I know why you’re not feeling fulfilled in your business right now. Why you’re not happy even though you’re working from home.
Why #momlife feels frustrating, like a never-ending hamster wheel of to-do’s, laundry, and kid clean-up instead of the purpose you’re excited to be living.
Think about it.
If you think you’re never allowed to change anything about your life – that your proper role is to sit there and take it and endure – be a martyr – what is that accomplishing?
(Other than killing your mindset, I mean.)
- Does it teach character to your kids when you grump through the day with too many cups of coffee and too little sleep because you’re taking them on too many evening outings?
- Does it model Christ-like behavior when you’re stressed, and resentful, and thinking “if you weren’t here, I wouldn’t have to cook for you, and I’d be happier” instead of getting them to help you serve the meal?
- Does it do any good for your kids’ modeling of what a mother is & does when you struggle and sigh and snap your way through the day because you do all the Lego pickup yourself, plus all the laundry, and never make them lift a finger to help you – because you need to “serve”?
Listen, I think you’ve served already. You carried them, birthed them, fed them 10 dozen times a night, walked them, soothed them – did all their laundry and cooked all their meals for years while they were helpless toddlers – you don’t have to keep doing everything for them all the way till they’re grown.
That’s not what a mom is. That’s not her job description. Your job is to *train* them. To take him from that tiny baby, that stumbling toddler, and gradually turn him into a young man who knows how to cook something for himself, clean a bathroom, and do his own laundry.
That’s what.
So if you’re feeling depressed about your current #momlife – whether it’s the chores, or the state of your house, or whether or not you get to sit down for any meal at all today – think on whether you’re letting yourself change things.
You don’t have to exist through your life, through all the hardships.
You can push back on them. Change them.
Make something better now, not passively wait for your kids to move out for things to be better for you.