Hi! Welcome to today’s episode, where you get all the goods on the revolutionary mom-style time management framework I’ve created for business owning moms.
So, I got sick of seeing all the business moms around me running around like chickens with their head cut off to manage everything (you know, house, kids, cooking, cleaning, and all the marketing), or they felt like they were reasonably on top of things but couldn’t get their business MRR really moving.
They were stuck in “either or” mode as the mom and business owner, not “both and” mode.
And I realized that my time management organization skills were the answer.
‘Cause I wasn’t stressing myself out; I only *started* my business after I had my 5th baby, for crying out loud; and I thought this mompreneur life was really kind of easy.
Not what I was hearing from the biz buddy trenches, let me tell you. So I decided to do something about it.
- No more drawing in noise and chaos if you’re an introverted business owning mom.
- No more wishing you could run away to an office just so you could get quiet to hear yourself think.
- No more of this “well, I’m a mom first, so I guess my business has to take a back seat till the last high school graduation” kind of thinking.
Instead, here’s your work-from-home-with-kids solution. Here’s what I’m going to do for you….
Delegate 65% of your chores, set up a 3-item daily to-do list, and get 3 hours back for your business every day!
What if….
What if you could run your work-at-home business, manage the kids and house, and get a break every single day – without being a bad mom?
What if you had a mompreneur life you didn’t need a vacation from?
‘Cause guess what? You don’t need another time management program or productivity system as a work-from-home mom.
What you need is a way to turn your daily mompreneur life around from crazy-busy hustle-with-kids mode to actually-like-my-life (and bring in money!) mode.
‘Cause hustle wasn’t meant to be normal. Not when you’re a mom with a business.
So, in case you’re new here, I’m a mom to 5 kids (yes, you read that right!). And I started my business because I desperately wanted a purpose beyond raising a family.
Because I knew I was made for more. (And so are you.)
That call of purpose had me transition from “stay-at-home, homeschooling mom of 5 kids” (ages 10 to 7 months) to a productivity coach for online-business-owning moms….
While working <25 hours a week, running my home, and ditching hustle mode.
And yes, I’m still homeschooling all 5 kids (kindergarten to high school now!) while I’m at home with them.
I want to show you how to do business as a mom the unbusy way, not the hustle way – and ditch the family vs. business struggle for good.
So here’s why I’m different….
- I’m never going to tell you to “just do it” and hustle past your burnout.
- I know there’s way more to growing a business than just a list of social media strategies to check off (when you’re still home with the kids).
- I understand exactly what you’re going through when purpose tugs at your heart, but kids are tugging at your leg.
This isn’t your average morning routines program or boring biz systems course.
You’re not going to get hit over the head with “just love Excel already” or “only use this planner” advice.
All you have to do is follow my 3-part framework – Scheduling, Mindset, and Delegation – and watch your work-from-home business life right-size itself, for good.
So let’s talk about scheduling for a minute.
You want to pull up a chair to work on your laptop at the kitchen table – guilt free about what’s going on with the kids and able to deep-focus on your business projects for the day. Right?
So to do that you need better scheduling – am I on the right track? Wrong.
You need the mindset reframe that lets you show up for your role as a biz owner without worrying that you’re neglecting your role as the mom.
This is what the mindset part of my framework is.
But if you’re constantly worrying over whether your kids will be okay in the backyard without you or whether you should be scrolling Pinterest for a more complicated meal tonight to keep your husband happy, let me tell you, your business tasks are going to be shot.
You have to have your daily time management stuff down if you’re going to ever juggle a multi-six-figure business, the house, the kids, and the husband.
Your daily priorities need to be on lock.
And, you have to be able to complete this in a way that feels effortless, not effort-full, ‘cause your discipline needs to be spent on things like parenting and emotional breakdowns and keeping up your biz mindset and picking strategies and stuff.
That’s why it’s so crucial to get the daily pieces of your schedule on track, out of your brain, and on repeat – so you can get back to the actual living and the kid snuggling and the content recording and new marketing ideas (aka money making) part of things.
Now, number 2: Delegation.
You want to hit the essentials every day, every week, in your business (and personal life) – so you know you’re making progress and moving that needle.
The fix for this is to-do lists and project management systems, right? Has to be.
Nope! You need delegation here. (Aka streamlining, stopping, or outsourcing half of what’s on your plate.)
‘Cause you cannot cram more and more biz tasks into your schedule without dropping something else on the mom side of things – it’s simple physics.
Sand in jar phenomenon.
But you’re still over here thinking that you can just “fit in” going live and writing content into your day between course updates and team meetings.
Sure you can – once you drop something to make room for it.
Listen – this isn’t about piling “do more” onto your plate; it’s about right-sizing your entrepreneur life and carving away the excess.
We’re going to put the housework and kid work and biz work and team work steps in place for you to succeed every day – by which I mean hit each one of your top priorities, and your revenue goals, with no guilt, with plenty of time.
Sound good? Sound freeing?
‘Cause why in the world would you keep yourself locked in this “not doing enough” trap, scold yourself constantly each day (hurry up, you’re not going fast enough, you need to do better), and treat work-at-home biz life as a list of marketing widgets you need to churn out?
There’s more for you than that. There’s way better for you than that.
If you’d known what your work-at-home life was going to turn out to be like, you’d never have signed up for this. And it isn’t too late to change it.
Okay, step number 3: now we get to the scheduling.
‘Cause you want to be one of those $20k month earners, have that 6-figure success story, in your online business, right? Great!
Which means this is where the strategy comes into play, for sure. Right?
Wrong. This is where you need the scheduling.
- Scheduling to fit each content creation block into your week.
- Scheduling for that weekly live or podcast recording.
- Scheduling 40 minutes every Saturday night to take your latest course.
- Scheduling a 30-minute no-kids walk toward the end of every workday so you can clear your mind of all its CEO worries, write down the problem zones, and be able to show up present for your kids when you come home from said walk.
- Scheduling a 20-minute just-before-bed journaling session every night to work through those problem zones that just cropped up for you.
- Scheduling your latest marketing promo (time to work on it) or fulfill those client projects.
- Scheduling your breaks in between kid errands and client calls so your brain has adequate white space to show up as CEO.
It all comes down to scheduling.
‘Cause what good’s the latest and greatest strategy going to do you, if you never get down to actually working on it?
No good at all, that’s what.
Just a false sense of security that you’ve got the best strategy and now you’re set. No. It’s the daily weekly monthly repeated action that gets you set.
And that’s precisely what you’re going to do when you calendar out everything that has to fit in your life, make room for only the top priorities, and work based off an essentialism biz schedule.
You’re going to succeed.
You will hit those $10k or $15k or $20k months.
It’s just a matter of time, if you keep showing up, paying attention to your results, and pivoting as necessary. Truly.
What you really need:
- Is to chop your to-do list to 3 items a day – perpetually! (Your business list, too!)
- And create your version of an ideal schedule and actually live by it (every day of the week!)
- Then harness the power of delegation so you can do less housework than ever before WHILE getting all the essentials done in your business
- Plus get 3 hours of kid-free quiet to work on your business – yes, every single day!
What have you got to lose?
- Just the sense of fatigue when you stare at your to-do list in the morning.
- Just the overwhelm as you look around you at the house.
- Just… the bad parts.
So here’s what happens after you’re with me:
- You’ll finally have the time in your day to get to everything you want to (both in your business and for your kids);
- You’ll be able to show up to serve your clients and market your business guilt-free, without worrying about your kids and your mothering of them;
- You get to help people with what you know (not just your family and yourself) because your business takes off and becomes a success.
‘Cause you’re not the one who’s struggling to make this business a go of it, but the one whose only question is “how long can I keep this pace up?
You have two choices here – Stay stuck or take action.
So which are you picking?
Are you ready for your dream to come true? To actually live that time-to-work-every-day, 6-figure mompreneur life?
- You can ditch the forced productivity behaviors now.
- Quit this “hustle 17 hours a day” WAHM mentality now.
- Stop the “grit my teeth willpower is the way” to-do-listing now.
But only if you’re willing to lighten the load on yourself, take the easy route in mompreneur life (for once), and embrace an anti-burnout method of scheduling.
It’s all there for you. The question is, are you ready to take it?
If you are, my whole job is to help ambitious work-from-home moms get 20 no-guilt hours a week for their multi-6-figure business (while still being present with their kids).
You’ll learn how to scale your business (to $20k months!) with all the kids at home, without running yourself into the ground or skipping movie nights with your family!
(And still making room for more babies or more clients if you want them!)
If this is you, I can’t wait to help you transform your business from a “bringing in money but stressing me out” hustle to a “just right for my life, can’t believe I’m getting paid 6 figures for this” kind of work-at-home day.
And keep listening, ‘cause the next episode’s all about how we customize this program to you and how you can succeed with your time management once and for all this time.
That’s all for now, and have a wonderful day!
Got q’s? See you in the DMs or on email or in a call!
What if you could run your work-at-home business, manage the kids and house, and get a break every single day – without being a bad mom? What if you had a mompreneur life you didn’t need a vacation from?
Here’s your working-from-home-with-kids solution: delegate 65% of your chores, set up a 3-item daily to-do list, and get 3 hours back for your business every day!
‘Cause guess what? You don’t need another time management program or productivity system as a work-from-home mom. What you need is a way to turn your daily mompreneur life around from crazy-busy hustle-with-kids mode to actually-like-my-life (and bring in money!) mode.
‘Cause hustle wasn’t meant to be normal. Not when you’re a mom with a business.