Intuition, intuition, intuition.
- Are you making the right choice with your intuition?
- Do you know how to feel into your intuition?
- Is your gut feeling aligned with where you want to go in life?
Let’s cut the BS and figure out how exactly to let our inner guidance direct our life.
Because there’s one thing for sure – just being told to “follow your gut instinct” isn’t enough to make it happen! (I’m sorry, we don’t all just intuitively “get” this.)
Here’s a client example to set you straight.
So, this client of mine was just feeling really “heavy and tired” in her physical body.
As a wellness practitioner, she was well acquainted with these symptoms and figured she needed to change up something about her exercise routine – introduce more movement into her day – as she’d been mostly taking a break.
(Life gets in the way sometimes, you know?)
So when she discussed this with me – ‘cause adding an exercise class means adding something to your schedule – I asked her what she felt she needed to do next to get this area of her life going again.
She responded promptly with “research different yoga styles” to see if other practices would be more beneficial to her body, and also pointed out that she even had some exercise class credits that she could use for a sound yoga experience.
(Isn’t it funny what we remember we already have, when we get down to making practical changes?)
She went on to point out a few other types of stretches and yoga varieties that really sounded like exactly what her body needed just now – even to me, a productivity coach.
So, of course, I pointed that out to her: “Look at how your intuition’s leading you to the right exercises for you! Look how far you’ve come! You can just declare you need a change, feel into what that next type of exercise should be, and already come up with 2 or 3 great classes to try next!”
Oh, and she already knew her own scheduling constraints of what time in the morning she’d have to be done by to get ready for her kids – I didn’t even have to discuss that with her! I’m telling you, this client was tuned in and ready to go!
(Probably also to do with the fact that she was almost done coaching with me. But, you know, that growth was entirely hers.)
So she knew her morning cutoff time, what classes she needed, and even had a class credit to use on her next healing yoga experience. Great!
That’s the power of what intuition can do for you.
Now, let’s move back to yourself. What problem are you facing in your #momlife today? Just one, nitty gritty, scheduling or to-do list or kid routine problem?
Hold that in your mind right now.
Next. Ask yourself where you need to go – what solution’s right for you to try next.
See what answer immediately bubbles up. (It’s like your brain was just waiting for you to ask, instead of griping about it!)
Then go put it on the calendar, add it to your to-do list, and just try it. See what happens.
More often than not, your intuitive solution is going to be the better answer than your “brainstormed every possible thing and picked the guru’s advice as to what would be the more efficient one.”
You can do this; you’ve got this. You’re *allowed* to sink into your intuition.
You’re *allowed* to operate off of gut feelings when you’re at a crossroads.
You’re *allowed*.
Now go out there and try it on your next decision.