Here’s what I want for you today.
I want you to have a vision board life.
Amber Lilyestrom said it best: “I don’t have a vision board; I live a vision life.”
How does that sit with you?
- Are you putting all of your dreams onto that vision board, letting them sit there and marinate and *never come to fruition*?
- Are you letting your secret pins board be the sacred storing ground for every dream you’ve ever had, until it starts to die?
- Are you shoving off the voice of your conscience with “it’s okay, I’ll do it someday – look, I’ve even got it on a vision board”?
If you are, my friend, then you’ve been deceiving yourself. This is *not* the way this works.
Let me repeat: writing your dreams down for “sometime later” does *not* guarantee they come to fruition.
If anything, it’s the opposite.
You relax, knowing that you’ve written it down. Then you ignore it and go on with your daily life.
Never to pull it out again, except maybe next January 1st on New Year’s as you look at all you have and haven’t done with your life. You’re not making steps to turn this dream into reality.
It’s just vision board dreaming. It’s not a vision board *life*.
Don’t settle for vision board creation. Go live it.
So today, that changes.
What would belong on *your* vision board, if you let yourself dream an extra-ordinary #momlife into reality?What would be in your secret biz vision board?
Let yourself go to both sides of the equation – personal/family *and* business.
What would make your day, your surroundings, your movement, your hobbies, your trips, your artwork on the walls – the most wonderful experience ever?
What have you always wanted to try, or known you wanted to uplevel *to*, but just never made it work? Saw if it could fit? Looked for a way to trim down the budget and substitute *that*?
That’s what I’m calling you to today. An unapologetic, I’m-claiming-this, version of where you want to go in life.
It can be 5 babies on a homestead surrounded by goats, or it can be in New York City consulting for one of the biggest firms out there.
It doesn’t matter. *Your* idea goes. *Your* wonderful, if-only vision for life. (And that can be in 5 months, or 5 years – you choose. I’m not setting timelines on this.)
So if you dream of a houseful of almost-grown children, laughing and talking and working around you as you turn your little Etsy shop into a family business? That goes.
If your dream is more of a “I get 3 solo trips for myself each year to hole up and write my next book in a hotel room with no kids around and room service coming to my door,” you’re allowed.
What’s your ultimate vision board dream – the one that you’re admitting to yourself today?
And how are you going to take 3 steps toward that vision – toward actually *living* it – not just talking about it, today?