Today I’m taking you all the way behind the scenes on what a *full* client transformation looks like – not just a coaching snippet here or there, the full shebang.
This is what happened to Tami’s #momlife after she spent 6 months coaching with me. (And yes, she had her own business, house, and kids to deal with!)
Putting on my coach hat, I had the privilege of witnessing these 5 transformations in her:
Number one, she learned why she needed margin in her schedule (and how to add it). This was key to her not feeling stressed and overwhelmed with her everyday life (especially with small kids still at home!).
Number two, Tami realized that with everything going on, *her* personal to-do list needed to get cut to 1-2 tasks per day.
Yes, it didn’t sound like a lot – but she just didn’t have room for more in her personal life. Not after taking care of the house, getting her son to school, and running her own successful business with tons of clients.
Number three, in the process of making all these (very much needed) changes to her schedule, she learned how to stand up for herself, advocate for her needs to her family, and have productive discussions with her husband while sticking to her point of view.
Because they were so used to her always picking up the slack for them, always being available to short herself on sleep or rest and do more work, that they kind of expected her to keep going that way. (While at the same time, pointing out when she had a lack of energy! Haha, guys, that part’s *your* fault….)
Number four, we found multiple easier shortcuts to productivity tasks in her business that felt hard. Things like launches, updating email databases, setting up routines to connect with clients, etc.
Those kinds of nitty gritty details weren’t Tami’s strong suit – in fact, that’s what she had a whole team of people for – but she still had some stories in her head about needing to do all the “hard parts” herself.
Once we discovered that thinking and suggested it didn’t have to be true, she visibly brightened up about working on her business. (All the behind-the-scenes stuff she *did* like to do was suddenly now hers!)
And number five, which was a surprise even to me as her coach, she discovered the easiest way to increase positive cash flow in her business. I wasn’t planning on business advice or discussing income streams or increasing revenue – but it happened to come up, and we found this really easy tweak which had the potential to majorly increase her income generated from this business.
Two of them, actually – she needed to raise her prices ‘cause she was giving too much, and she had a whole roster of clients waiting to see her – so we just added a few more slots to her daily schedule (at the exact right times for her) and poof, her revenue went up.
Bye, bye, budget stress!
Oh, and a sixth thing – Tami was able to rearrange her mornings and weekends so that she wasn’t working when she wanted to spend weekend time with family OR when she needed that morning peace and quiet by herself.
In short, it was a schedule that was designed around herself. Her best work hours, her son’s school time, her energy needs, and her project or task time slots.
All customized to *her*. And that’s the beauty of productivity coaching – ‘cause everything in your life that’s to do with your daily calendar or to-do list *should* be personalized to you.
I had so much fun coaching this client, and watching her come to these huge realizations (sometimes even on her own!) and make the resulting changes that allowed so much more freedom and space into her schedule.
It was an honor to come alongside you, Tami.
And to you who’re listening: remember – this type of transformation is possible for *you*.